

package FoBo

Welcome to FoBo - A Modular Front-End Toolkit module for Lift

The net.liftmodules.FoBo Package is the starting point for this API. The FoBo modules Github home is here

What FoBo will do for you

The FoBo/FoBo module gives you quick and easy integration of some of the industry leading web-centric open source front-end toolkits. FoBo is highly modular, all FoBo toolkit modules are built up of a resource module and possibly a FoBo/Lift API module. You can depend on the FoBo/FoBo module to get access to all FoBo's toolkit/resource/api modules or you can pick the module(s) you need, for example, just the bootstrap API module where you provide your own resources or you may chose any combination of modules.

Usage benefits:

FoBo supported toolkits/resources

The following is a list of available toolkits resources

Help out!

There is a lot more that can be done within the boundaries of the FoBo API modules and the FoBo modules as a hole so your help, suggestions, encouragement, engagement, patches (pull requests) bug-fixes/reports are highly appreciated.

  1. To initiate this module for usage in your Lift project set something like the following in your projects Lift bootstrap.liftweb.Boot boot method. Here the FoBo ToolkitObjectNameXYZ represent one of FoBo's available FoBo Toolkit objects.

    import net.liftmodules.FoBo
    FoBo.Toolkit.Init=FoBo.Toolkit.JQueryXYZ  //the fobo jquery module, version xyz
    FoBo.Toolkit.Init=FoBo.Toolkit.ToolkitObjectNameXYZ //one or more fobo toolkits

    You may substitute Toolkit for Resource or API and if you wish also adjust the artifact dependencies accordingly to include just the FoBo modules you use, but if size is not a issue using the FoBo/FoBo module is convenient and gives you a lot to pick from.



Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. FoBo
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show all
Learn more about member selection
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed trait API extends AnyRef

    Initiate a toolkit's associated FoBo API in you bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  2. sealed trait Resource extends AnyRef

    Initiate the toolkit's associated resources in you bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  3. sealed trait Toolkit extends AnyRef

    Initiate FoBo's Toolkit(s) in you bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  4. sealed trait FoBoJQuery extends AnyRef


    (Since version 1.6.0) Use FoBo.Toolkit.Init=FoBo.Toolkit.JQueryXXX

  5. sealed trait FoBoToolkit extends AnyRef


    (Since version 1.6.0) Use FoBo.Toolkit.Init=FoBo.Toolkit.[Toolkit case object name]

Value Members

  1. object API extends API

  2. object Resource extends Resource

  3. object Toolkit extends Toolkit

  4. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    FoBo → AnyRef → Any

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object AJMaterial0100 extends FoBoToolkit with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of Angular-Material version 0․10․0 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  2. object AJMaterial101 extends FoBoToolkit with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of Angular-Material version 1․0․1 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  3. object AJSNGGrid207 extends FoBoToolkit with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of NG-Grid version 2․0․7 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  4. object AJSUIBootstrap0100 extends FoBoToolkit with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of AngularUI-Bootstrap version 0․10․0 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  5. object AJSUIBootstrap020 extends FoBoToolkit with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of AngularUI-Bootstrap version 0․2․0 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  6. object AJSUIBootstrap070 extends FoBoToolkit with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of AngularUI-Bootstrap version 0․7․0 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  7. object AJSUIGrid307 extends FoBoToolkit with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of UI-Grid version 3․0․7 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  8. object AngularJS1219 extends FoBoToolkit with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of AngularJS version 1․2․19 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  9. object AngularJS1219i18n extends FoBoToolkit with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of i18n files for AngularJS version 1․2․19 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  10. object AngularJS1315 extends FoBoToolkit with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of AngularJS version 1․3․15 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  11. object AngularJS1315i18n extends FoBoToolkit with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of i18n files for AngularJS version 1․3․15 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  12. object AngularJS141 extends FoBoToolkit with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of AngularJS version 1․4․1 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  13. object AngularJS141i18n extends FoBoToolkit with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of i18n files for AngularJS version 1․4․1 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  14. object AngularJS148 extends FoBoToolkit with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of AngularJS version 1․4․8 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  15. object AngularJS148i18n extends FoBoToolkit with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of i18n files for AngularJS version 1․4․8 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  16. object Bootstrap232 extends FoBoToolkit with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of Twitter Bootstrap version 2․3․2 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  17. object Bootstrap301 extends FoBoToolkit with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of Twitter Bootstrap version 3․0․1 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  18. object Bootstrap311 extends FoBoToolkit with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of Twitter Bootstrap version 3․1․1 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  19. object Bootstrap320 extends FoBoToolkit with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of Twitter Bootstrap version 3․2․0 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  20. object Bootstrap335 extends FoBoToolkit with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of Twitter Bootstrap version 3․3․5 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  21. object Bootstrap336 extends FoBoToolkit with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of Twitter Bootstrap version 3․3․6 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  22. object FontAwesome321 extends FoBoToolkit with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of Font-Awesome version 3․2․1 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  23. object FontAwesome403 extends FoBoToolkit with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of Font-Awesome version 4․0․3 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  24. object FontAwesome410 extends FoBoToolkit with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of Font-Awesome version 4․1․0 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  25. object FontAwesome430 extends FoBoToolkit with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of Font-Awesome version 4․3․0 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  26. object InitParam extends FoBoToolkit with FoBoJQuery

    Enable Toolkit(s)/JQuery options for the FoBo module in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  27. object JQuery1102 extends FoBoJQuery with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of JQuery version 1․10․2 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  28. object JQuery1113 extends FoBoJQuery with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of JQuery version 1․11․3 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  29. object JQuery172 extends FoBoJQuery with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of JQuery version 1․7․2 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  30. object JQuery182 extends FoBoJQuery with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of JQuery version 1․8․2 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  31. object JQuery191 extends FoBoJQuery with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of JQuery version 1․9․1 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  32. object JQuery211 extends FoBoJQuery with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of JQuery version 2․1․1 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  33. object JQuery214 extends FoBoJQuery with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of JQuery version 2․1․4 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  34. object JQueryMigrate121 extends FoBoJQuery with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of JQuery-migrate version 1․2․1 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  35. object KineticJS510 extends FoBoToolkit with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of KineticJS version 5․1․0 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  36. object Pace0415 extends FoBoToolkit with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of Pace version 0․4․15 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  37. object PrettifyJun2011 extends FoBoToolkit with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of Prettify version Jun2011 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  38. object TBLocInfo

    Extends your Lift SiteMap with various common bootstrap menu manipulations such as horizontal and vertical menu dividers and menu labels (labels coming soon).

  39. def init(): Unit

    When your Lift application first starts up, it executes the code in Boot.

    When your Lift application first starts up, it executes the code in Boot.scala By calling FoBo.init() in Boot.scala the FoBo API packages and toolkit resources will be available in your Lift application.


    (Since version 1.6.0) Init no longer nessesary as it is now automaticaly done for respective FoBo.InitParam

    1. In method boot in the Boot class of package bootstrap.liftweb set

      FoBo.InitParam.JQuery=FoBo.JQueryXYZ  //one jquery version
      FoBo.InitParam.ToolKit=FoBo.FoBoToolkitNameXYZ //one or more toolkits

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
