
package util

Various utilities.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. util
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. sealed abstract class ImagePlusType extends IntEnumEntry
  2. final class PerspectiveTransform extends AnyRef

    A 2D perspective (or projective) transform.

    A 2D perspective (or projective) transform.

    A perspective transformation is capable of mapping an arbitrary quadrilateral into another arbitrary quadrilateral, while preserving the straightness of lines. Unlike an affine transformation, the parallelism of lines in the source is not necessarily preserved in the output.

    Such a coordinate transformation can be represented by a 3x3 matrix which transforms homogeneous source coordinates (x, y, 1) into destination coordinates (x', y', w). To convert back into non-homogeneous coordinates (X, Y), x' and y' are divided by w.

    [ x']   [  m00  m01  m02  ] [ x ]   [ m00x + m01y + m02 ]
    [ y'] = [  m10  m11  m12  ] [ y ] = [ m10x + m11y + m12 ]
    [ w ]   [  m20  m21  m22  ] [ 1 ]   [ m20x + m21y + m22 ]
    x' = (m00x + m01y + m02)
    y' = (m10x + m11y + m12)
    w  = (m20x + m21y + m22)
    X = x' / w
    Y = y' / w

    This implementation was inspired by Java Advanced Imaging.

Value Members

  1. object AWTtoFXImageConverter

    Tools for converting images between AWT and JavaFX.

  2. object ImageJUtils

    Helper methods for working with ImageJ.

  3. object ImagePlusType extends IntEnum[ImagePlusType]

    Make ImagePlus image types integer IDs to be type-safe.

  4. object PerspectiveTransform

    Factory methods for creating projective transforms.

  5. object Utils

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
