Interface PLSQLParserConstants

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    PLSQLParser, PLSQLParserTokenManager

    public interface PLSQLParserConstants
    Token literal values and constants. Generated by org.javacc.parser.OtherFilesGen#start()
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int _CHARACTER
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int _CHARACTER_WO_ASTERISK
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int _DEFAULT
      RegularExpression Id.
      RegularExpression Id.
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int A
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ACCEPT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ACCESSIBLE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ADD
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int AFTER
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int AGGREGATE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ALL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ALTER
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ANALYZE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int AND
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ANY
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int APPLY
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ARRAY
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int AS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ASC
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ASSOCIATE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int AT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ATTACH
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ATTRIBUTE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int AUDIT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int AUTHENTICATED
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int AUTHID
      RegularExpression Id.
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int AVG
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int BEFORE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int BEGIN
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int BETWEEN
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int BFILE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int BFILE_BASE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int BINARY_INTEGER
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int BLOB
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int BLOB_BASE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int BODY
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int BOOLEAN
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int BOTH
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int BULK
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int BY
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int BYTE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CALL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CASCADE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CASE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CAST
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CC_ELSE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CC_ELSIF
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CC_END
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CC_ERROR
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CC_IF
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CC_PLSQL_LINE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CC_PLSQL_UNIT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CC_THEN
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CHAR
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CHAR_BASE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CHAR_CS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CHARACTER
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CHARACTER_LITERAL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CHARSETFORM
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CHARSETID
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CHECK
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CLOB
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CLOB_BASE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CLOSE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CLUSTER
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int COALESCE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int COLLECT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int COLUMN
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int COMMENT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int COMMIT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int COMPOUND
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int COMPRESS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CONNECT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CONSTANT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CONSTRAINT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CONSTRUCTOR
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CONTEXT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CONTINUE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CONVERT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int COPY
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CREATE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CROSS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CROSSEDITION
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CUBE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CURRENT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CURRENT_USER
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CURRVAL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CURSOR
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CUSTOMDATUM_CLASS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DATA
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DATABASE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DATE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DATE_BASE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DAY
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DBTIMEZONE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DDL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DEC
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DECIMAL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DECLARE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DEFAULT
      Lexical state.
      static int DEFINE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DEFINER
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DEFINITION
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DELETE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DELIMITER
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DESC
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DETERMINISTIC
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DIGIT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DIRECTORY
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DISABLE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DISASSOCIATE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DISCONNECT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DISTINCT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DO
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DOUBLE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DROP
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DUPLICATED
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int EACH
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int EDITIONABLE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ELEMENT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ELSE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ELSIF
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int EMPTY
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ENABLE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int END
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int EOF
      End of File.
      static int EOL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ESCAPE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int EXCEPT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int EXCEPTION
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int EXCEPTION_INIT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int EXCEPTIONS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int EXCLUSIVE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int EXECUTE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int EXISTS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int EXIT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int EXTENDED
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int EXTENDS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int EXTERNAL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int EXTRACT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int FALSE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int FETCH
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int FINAL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int FIRST
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int FLOAT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int FLOAT_LITERAL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int FOLLOWS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int FOR
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int FORALL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int FORCE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int FOREACHROW
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int FOREIGN
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int FORMAL_COMMENT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int FORWARD
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int FROM
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int FULL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int FUNCTION
      RegularExpression Id.
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int GLOBAL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int GOTO
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int GRANT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int GROUP
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int GROUPING
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int HASH
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int HAVING
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int HEAP
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int HOST
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int HOUR
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int IDENTIFIED
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int IDENTIFIER
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int IF
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int IMMEDIATE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int IN
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int IN_FORMAL_COMMENT
      Lexical state.
      static int IN_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT
      Lexical state.
      static int IN_OUT
      RegularExpression Id.
      Lexical state.
      static int INCLUDING
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int INDEX
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int INDEXTYPE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int INDICATOR
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int INDICES
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int INFINITE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int INLINE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int INNER
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int INSERT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int INSTANTIABLE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int INSTEADOF
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int INT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int INTEGER
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int INTEGER_LITERAL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int INTERFACE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int INTERSECT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int INTERVAL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int INTO
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int INVALIDATE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int IS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ISOLATION
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int JAVA
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int JAVA_INTERFACE_CLASS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int JOIN
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int KEY
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LANGUAGE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LAST
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LEADING
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LEFT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LENGTH
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LETTER
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LEVEL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LIBRARY
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LIKE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LIKE2
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LIKE4
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LIKEC
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LIMIT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LIMITED
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LINK
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LOCAL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LOCK
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LOGOFF
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LOGON
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LONG
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LOOP
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int MAP
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int MAX
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int MAXLEN
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int MEMBER
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int MERGE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int METADATA
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int MIN
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int MINUS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int MINUTE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int MLSLABEL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int MOD
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int MODE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int MODIFY
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int MONTH
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int MULTI_LINE_COMMENT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int MULTISET
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NAME
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NAN
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NATURAL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NATURALN
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NCHAR
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NCHAR_CS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NCLOB
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NESTED
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NEW
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NEW_DOT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NEXT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NEXTVAL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NO
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NOAUDIT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NOCOMPRESS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NOCOPY
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NONE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NONEDITIONABLE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NOT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NOWAIT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NULL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NULLIF
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NULLS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NUMBER
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NUMBER_BASE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NUMERIC
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NVARCHAR2
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int OBJECT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int OCIROWID
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int OF
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int OFFSET
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int OID
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int OLD
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ON
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ONLY
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int OPAQUE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int OPEN
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int OPERATOR
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int OPTION
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int OR
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ORADATA_CLASS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ORDER
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ORGANIZATION
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int OTHERS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int OUT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int OUTER
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int OVERRIDING
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int PACKAGE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int PARALLEL_ENABLE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int PARAMETERS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int PARENT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int PARTITION
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int PCTFREE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int PERCENT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int PIPE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int PIPELINED
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int PLS_INTEGER
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int PLSQL_CCFLAGS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int PLSQL_CODE_TYPE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int PLSQL_DEBUG
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int PLSQL_WARNINGS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int POSITIVE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int POSITIVEN
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int PRAGMA
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int PRECEDES
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int PRECISION
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int PRESERVE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int PRIMARY
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int PRINT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int PRIOR
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int PRIVATE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int PROCEDURE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int PROMPT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int PUBLIC
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int QUIT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int QUOTED_LITERAL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int RAISE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int RANGE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int RAW
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int REAL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int RECORD
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int REF
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int REFERENCES
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int REFERENCING
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int RELEASE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int RELIES_ON
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int REMARK
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int RENAME
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int REPLACE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int RESOURCE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int RESTRICT_REFERENCES
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int RESULT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int RESULT_CACHE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int RETURN
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int RETURNING
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int REVERSE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int REVOKE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int RIGHT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ROLLBACK
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ROLLUP
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ROW
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ROWID
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ROWNUM
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ROWS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ROWTYPE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SAVE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SAVEPOINT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SCHEMA
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SECOND
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SELECT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SELF
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SEPARATE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SERIALLY_REUSABLE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SERVERERROR
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SESSIONTIMEZONE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SET
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SETS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SHARDED
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SHARE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SHARED
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SHARING
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SHOW
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SHUTDOWN
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SIBLINGS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SIGNTYPE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SIZE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SMALLINT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SOME
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SPACE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SPECIAL_CHARACTERS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SPOOL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SQL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SQLCODE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SQLDATA_CLASS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SQLERRM
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SQLPLUS_TERMINATOR
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int START
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int STARTUP
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int STATEMENT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int STATIC
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int STATISTICS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int STDDEV
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int STRING
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int STRING_LITERAL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int STRUCT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SUBMULTISET
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SUBSTITUTABLE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SUBTYPE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SUCCESSFUL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SUM
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SUSPEND
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SYNONYM
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SYS_REFCURSOR
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SYSDATE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TABLE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TDO
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TEMPORARY
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int THEN
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TIES
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TIME
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TIMESTAMP
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TIMEZONE_ABBR
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TIMEZONE_HOUR
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TIMEZONE_MINUTE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TIMEZONE_REGION
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TO
      RegularExpression Id.
      static java.lang.String[] tokenImage
      Literal token values.
      static int TRAILING
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TRANSACTION
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TREAT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TRIGGER
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TRIM
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TRUE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TRUNCATE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TYPE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int UI
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int UNDEFINE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int UNDER
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int UNION
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int UNIQUE
      RegularExpression Id.
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int UPDATE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int UROWID
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int USER
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int USING
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int VALUES
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int VARCHAR
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int VARCHAR2
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int VARIABLE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int VARRAY
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int VARYING
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int VIEW
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int WHEN
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int WHENEVER
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int WHERE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int WHILE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int WITH
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int WRAPPED
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int YEAR
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int YES
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ZONE
      RegularExpression Id.