

package antixml

Base package for the Anti-XML framework. Note that importing this package brings in a number of implicit conversions. Specifically:

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. antixml
  2. LowPrioritiyImplicits
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
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Type Members

  1. class Attributes extends Map[QName, String] with MapLike[QName, String, Attributes]

    A special implementation of scala.collection.Map[com.codecommit.antixml.QName, String] with nice overloading and some implicit magic designed for use containing element attributes in com.codecommit.antixml.Elem.

  2. case class CDATA(text: String) extends Node with Product with Serializable

    A node containing a single string, representing unescaped character data in the XML tree.

  3. trait CanBuildFromWithZipper[-From, -Elem, To] extends AnyRef

    A factory for com.codecommit.antixml.Zipper instances.

  4. trait CanProduceZipper[-From, A <: Node, To] extends AnyRef

    A marker interface for scala.collection.mutable.CanBuildFrom instances that can be lifted into com.codecommit.antixml.CanBuildFromWithZipper instances that operate on com.codecommit.antixml.Node types.

  5. class Converter[A] extends AnyRef

    Pimp container for the explicit conversions into Anti-XML types.

  6. case class Elem(prefix: Option[String], name: String, attrs: Attributes = Attributes.apply(), namespaces: NamespaceBinding = NamespaceBinding.empty, children: Group[Node] = Group.empty[Nothing]) extends Node with Selectable[Elem] with Product with Serializable

    An XML element consisting of an optional namespace prefix, a name (or identifier), a set of attributes, a namespace prefix scope (mapping of prefixes to namespace URIs), and a sequence of child nodes.

  7. case class EntityRef(entity: String) extends Node with Product with Serializable

    A node representing an entity reference.

  8. class Group[+A <: Node] extends IndexedSeq[A] with IndexedSeqLike[A, Group[A]] with Selectable[A]

    Represents a collection of arbitrary nodes (com.codecommit.antixml.Node)).

  9. trait LowPrioritiyImplicits extends AnyRef

    Allow these to be mixed in where needed, instead of having to import the package object.

  10. sealed class NSRepr extends AnyRef

  11. sealed trait NamespaceBinding extends AnyRef

  12. sealed trait Node extends AnyRef

    Root of the Node ADT, representing the different types of supported XML nodes which may appear in an XML fragment.

  13. class NodeSeqSAXHandler extends DefaultHandler2

    Defines a SAX2 handler which produces an instance of com.codecommit.antixml.Group[com.codecommit.antixml.Elem] as a result.

  14. trait OptimizingSelector[+A] extends Selector[A]

  15. case class PrefixedNamespaceBinding(prefix: String, _uri: String, parent: NamespaceBinding = NamespaceBinding.empty) extends NamespaceBinding with Product with Serializable

  16. case class ProcInstr(target: String, data: String) extends Node with Product with Serializable

    A processing instruction consisting of a target and some data.

  17. case class QName(prefix: Option[String], name: String) extends Product with Serializable

  18. class SAXParser extends XMLParser

    An XML parser build on top of org.w3c.sax.

  19. trait Selectable[+A <: Node] extends AnyRef

  20. trait Selector[+A] extends PartialFunction[Node, A]

  21. class StAXParser extends XMLParser

    An XML parser build on top of

  22. case class Text(text: String) extends Node with Product with Serializable

    A node containing a single string, representing character data in the XML tree.

  23. case class UnprefixedNamespaceBinding(_uri: String, parent: NamespaceBinding = NamespaceBinding.empty) extends NamespaceBinding with Product with Serializable

  24. trait XMLConvertable[-A, +B] extends AnyRef

    Typeclass definition for conversions used by the com.codecommit.antixml.Converter pimp.

  25. trait XMLParser extends AnyRef

    A trait for objects which construct antixml from XML sources.

  26. class XMLSerializer extends AnyRef

  27. trait Zipper[+A <: Node] extends Group[A] with IndexedSeqLike[A, Zipper[A]]

    Provides an unselect operation which copies this Group's nodes back to the XML tree from which it was derived.

  28. case class ZipperMergeContext(original: Node, directUpdate: IndexedSeq[(Node, Int)], lastDirectUpdate: Int, indirectUpdate: (Node, Int)) extends Product with Serializable

    Describes the parameters of a merge operation.

  29. trait ZipperMergeStrategy extends AnyRef

    Defines the merge function used to resolve the behavior of Zipper.unselect at conflicted holes.

Value Members

  1. val *: Selector[Node]

    Wildcard selector which passes all nodes unmodified.

    Wildcard selector which passes all nodes unmodified. This is analogous to the "_" selector syntax in scala.xml. For example: ns \ * \ "name"

    Definition Classes
  2. object Attributes

    Factory companion for the com.codecommit.antixml.Attributes specialized Map.

  3. object CanBuildFromWithZipper

    Different implicit implementations of com.codecommit.antixml.CanBuildFromWithZipper.

  4. object Elem extends Serializable

  5. object ElemNamespaceUri

  6. object Group

    Factory singleton for Group.

  7. object NSRepr

  8. object NamespaceBinding

  9. object NamespaceUri

  10. object QName extends Serializable

  11. object Selector

  12. object XML extends StAXParser

    The default XML parser instance for the Anti-XML framework.

  13. object XMLConvertable extends SecondPrecedenceConvertables

    Contains the built-in explicit conversions into Anti-XML.

  14. object XMLParser

  15. object XMLSerializer

  16. object Zipper

  17. object ZipperMergeStrategy

  18. implicit def namespaceBindingToNsRepr(nb: NamespaceBinding): NSRepr

    Definition Classes
  19. implicit def nodeSeqToConverter[A](a: A): Converter[A]

    Pimps the convert method onto any object for which there exists a conversion into Anti-XML.

    Pimps the convert method onto any object for which there exists a conversion into Anti-XML. Note that this conversion is an implicit value, statically enforced and thus shouldn't be the source of any collision issues. It should actually be possible to have another implicit conversion in scope which pimps the convert method without seeing conflicts.

    Definition Classes
    See also


  20. implicit def stringToNsRepr(s: String): NSRepr

    Definition Classes
  21. implicit def stringTupleToQNameTuple(pair: (String, String)): (QName, String)

    Definition Classes
  22. val text: Selector[String]

    Non-node selector which finds exclusively com.codecommit.antixml.Text nodes and pulls out their String content.

    Non-node selector which finds exclusively com.codecommit.antixml.Text nodes and pulls out their String content. Unlike most selectors, the result of using this selector is not a com.codecommit.antixml.Group, but a generic scala.collection.Traversable[String]. This selector can be used to emulate the NodeSeq#text method provided by scala.xml. For example: ns \\ text mkString (this is analogous, but not quite equivalent to calling ns.text in scala.xml).

    Definition Classes

Inherited from LowPrioritiyImplicits

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
