

package codecommit

  1. Public
  2. All

Value Members

  1. package antixml

    Base package for the Anti-XML framework.

    Base package for the Anti-XML framework. Note that importing this package brings in a number of implicit conversions. Specifically:

    • A . A => Converter[A] – Implements explicit conversions from scala.xml types to Anti-XML correspondents (where applicable). This technically makes the convert method available on all types. However, that method will only be callable on very specific types in the scala.xml library, and thus it shouldn't cause any collsion issues.
    • (String, String) => (QName, String) – Required to get nice syntax for unqualified attribute names. Note there is an additional conversion of type String => QName, but that conversion is defined on the companion object for com.codecommit.antixml.QName, which prevents it from cluttering the dispatch implicit space (i.e. it only applies as a type coercion, not a pimp).
