Interface UserManagementService

  • public interface UserManagementService
    This is an OSGi service that encapsulates user management Implementations of this interface will typically be used to manage users, groups and roles for a software application. The structure of this interface is based on what's convenient for the implementation of a REST API: JSON-friendly beans are both arguments and return values, and update operations returns updated state in a form that is convenient for e.g. updating a redux model in a react/redux frontend.
    • Method Detail

      • getUser

        User getUser​(String username)
        Get a User from a username. Typically called after login to get a User object for the logged in user
        username - the username for the user that is to be retrieved
        a User object for the user with the username
      • getRolesForUser

        List<Role> getRolesForUser​(String username)
        Typically called after login to get the list of Roles for the logged in user
        username - the username for the user whose roles should be retrieved
        a list of Role objects
      • getPermissionsForUser

        List<Permission> getPermissionsForUser​(String username)
        Typically called after login to get the list of all Permissions for the logged in user.
        username - the username for the user whose permissions should be retrieved
        a list of Permission objects
      • getUsers

        List<User> getUsers()
        Get all users in the database.
        a list of User objects
      • modifyUser

        List<User> modifyUser​(User user)
        Update a user in the database. What can be updated, are the username, the email address and the first- and lastnames of the user.
        user - The user object to update. The id property of this object defines what user to update
        The list of users in the database after the update of a user
      • updatePassword

        List<User> updatePassword​(UserAndPasswords userAndPasswords)
        Change the passwords of a user in the database
        userAndPasswords - an object containing a User used to identify the user the passwords should be changed for and two copies of the new password
        The list of users in the database
      • addUser

        List<User> addUser​(UserAndPasswords newUserWithPasswords)
        Create a new user in the database.
        newUserWithPasswords - an object containing a User object and two copies of the new password
        The list of users in the database including the newly created user
      • getRoles

        List<Role> getRoles()
        Return the list of roles defined in the database.
        a list of Role beans
      • modifyRole

        List<Role> modifyRole​(Role role)
        Modify a Role in the database.
        role - the Role to modify in the database
        the roles in the database containing the modified role
      • addRole

        List<Role> addRole​(Role newRole)
        Add a Role to the database.
        newRole - the Role to add
        the roles in the database, including the new role
      • getPermissions

        List<Permission> getPermissions()
        Return the list of roles defined in the database.
        a Permission objekts
      • modifyPermission

        List<Permission> modifyPermission​(Permission permission)
        Modify a Permission in the database.
        permission - the Permission object to modify in the database
        the permissions in the database containing the modified permission
      • addPermission

        List<Permission> addPermission​(Permission newPermission)
        Add a Permission to the database.
        newPermission - the Permission to add to the database
        the permissions in the database including the new permission
      • addUserRoles

        Map<String,​List<Role>> addUserRoles​(UserRoles userroles)
        Add one or more roles to a user.
        userroles - contains the User to add Roles and the roles to add
        the all username to role mappings with the new roles in place
      • removeUserRoles

        Map<String,​List<Role>> removeUserRoles​(UserRoles userroles)
        Remove one or more roles from a user
        userroles - the User to remove Roles from and the roles to remove
        the all username to role mappings with the removed roles gone
      • getRolesPermissions

        Map<String,​List<Permission>> getRolesPermissions()
        Get all role to permission mappings in the database.
        a map from rolenames to list of permissions
      • addRolePermissions

        Map<String,​List<Permission>> addRolePermissions​(RolePermissions rolepermissions)
        Add one or more permissions to a role.
        rolepermissions - the Role to add permissions to and the list of Permissions to add to the role
        all rolename to permission mappings in the database, including the permissions added in this operation
      • removeRolePermissions

        Map<String,​List<Permission>> removeRolePermissions​(RolePermissions rolepermissions)
        Remove one or more permissions from a role.
        rolepermissions - the Role to remove permissions from and the list of Permissions to remove from the role
        all rolename to permission mappings in the database, not including the permissions removed in this operation