

package core

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class ChunkedToken extends PostaggedToken

    A representation of a chunked token.

  2. abstract class Chunker extends AnyRef

    A Chunker takes postagged text and adds a chunk tag, specifying whether a noun or verb phrase is starting or continuing.

  3. trait ConstituencyParser extends AnyRef

    A constituency parser turns a sentence into a constituency tree, a structure that is somewhat like chunking but hierarchical.

  4. trait DependencyParser extends AnyRef

    A trait for a tool that produces a dependency graph, such as the Stanford dependency parser.

  5. trait Format[F, T] extends Writer[F, T] with Reader[T, F]

  6. case class Lemmatized[+T <: Token](token: T, lemma: String) extends Product with Serializable

  7. abstract class ParseTree extends Iterable[ParseTree]

    A representation of the constituency parse.

  8. class ParseTreePhrase extends ParseTree

  9. class ParseTreePostag extends ParseTree

  10. class ParseTreeToken extends ParseTree

  11. trait PostaggedStemmer extends AnyRef

  12. class PostaggedToken extends Token

    A representation for a part-of-speech tagged token.

  13. abstract class Postagger extends AnyRef

    A POS tagger takes tokenized input and associates a part of speech tag with each token.

  14. trait Reader[F, T] extends AnyRef

  15. case class Segment(text: String, offset: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  16. abstract class Segmenter extends AnyRef

    A sentencer breaks text into sentences.

  17. abstract class Stemmer extends AnyRef

    A stemmer takes a string token and produces a normalized form.

  18. class Token extends AnyRef

    The most simple representation of a token.

  19. trait Tokenizer extends AnyRef

    A tokenizer takes a sentence string as input and separates words (tokens) along word (token) boundaries.

  20. trait Writer[F, T] extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object ChunkedToken

  2. object Chunker

  3. object DependencyParser

  4. object FactorieUtilities

    Shared utilities for making Factorie work.

  5. object Format

  6. object HashCodeHelper

    This object provides a function to generate a hash code out of multiple hashable parts.

  7. object IdentityStemmer extends Stemmer

    A trivial stemmer that doesn't apply a stemming algorithm.

  8. object PostaggedToken

  9. object Postagger

  10. object Segment extends Serializable

  11. object Stemmer

  12. object Token

  13. object Tokenizer

  14. package conf

  15. package coref

  16. package graph

  17. package headword

  18. package parse

  19. package remote

  20. package repr

  21. package srl

  22. package typer
