Class XPathLexerErrorListener

    • Constructor Detail

      • XPathLexerErrorListener

        public XPathLexerErrorListener()
    • Method Detail

      • syntaxError

        public void syntaxError​(Recognizer<?,​?> recognizer,
                                Object offendingSymbol,
                                int line,
                                int charPositionInLine,
                                String msg,
                                RecognitionException e)
        Description copied from interface: ANTLRErrorListener
        Upon syntax error, notify any interested parties. This is not how to recover from errors or compute error messages. ANTLRErrorStrategy specifies how to recover from syntax errors and how to compute error messages. This listener's job is simply to emit a computed message, though it has enough information to create its own message in many cases.

        The RecognitionException is non-null for all syntax errors except when we discover mismatched token errors that we can recover from in-line, without returning from the surrounding rule (via the single token insertion and deletion mechanism).

        Specified by:
        syntaxError in interface ANTLRErrorListener
        syntaxError in class BaseErrorListener
        recognizer - What parser got the error. From this object, you can access the context as well as the input stream.
        offendingSymbol - The offending token in the input token stream, unless recognizer is a lexer (then it's null). If no viable alternative error, e has token at which we started production for the decision.
        line - The line number in the input where the error occurred.
        charPositionInLine - The character position within that line where the error occurred.
        msg - The message to emit.
        e - The exception generated by the parser that led to the reporting of an error. It is null in the case where the parser was able to recover in line without exiting the surrounding rule.