Class TokenTagToken

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Token, WritableToken

    public class TokenTagToken
    extends CommonToken
    A Token object representing a token of a particular type; e.g., <ID>. These tokens are created for TagChunk chunks where the tag corresponds to a lexer rule or token type.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • TokenTagToken

        public TokenTagToken​(String tokenName,
                             int type)
        Constructs a new instance of TokenTagToken for an unlabeled tag with the specified token name and type.
        tokenName - The token name.
        type - The token type.
      • TokenTagToken

        public TokenTagToken​(String tokenName,
                             int type,
                             String label)
        Constructs a new instance of TokenTagToken with the specified token name, type, and label.
        tokenName - The token name.
        type - The token type.
        label - The label associated with the token tag, or null if the token tag is unlabeled.
    • Method Detail

      • getTokenName

        public final String getTokenName()
        Gets the token name.
        The token name.
      • getLabel

        public final String getLabel()
        Gets the label associated with the rule tag.
        The name of the label associated with the rule tag, or null if this is an unlabeled rule tag.