Package | Description |
org.antlr.v4.runtime | |
org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This implementation of
TokenStream loads tokens from a
TokenSource on-demand, and places the tokens in a buffer to provide
access to any previous token by index. |
class |
This class extends
BufferedTokenStream with functionality to filter
token streams to tokens on a particular channel (tokens where
Token.getChannel() returns a particular value). |
class |
UnbufferedTokenStream<T extends Token> |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected TokenStream |
The input stream.
protected TokenStream |
Our source stream
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TokenStream |
Parser.getInputStream() |
TokenStream |
TokenStreamRewriter.getTokenStream() |
TokenStream |
Parser.getTokenStream() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Parser.setTokenStream(TokenStream input)
Set the token stream and reset the parser.
Constructor and Description |
NoViableAltException(Parser recognizer,
TokenStream input,
Token startToken,
Token offendingToken,
ATNConfigSet deadEndConfigs,
ParserRuleContext ctx) |
Parser(TokenStream input) |
ParserInterpreter(String grammarFileName,
Collection<String> tokenNames,
Collection<String> ruleNames,
ATN atn,
TokenStream input)
ParserInterpreter(String grammarFileName,
Vocabulary vocabulary,
Collection<String> ruleNames,
ATN atn,
TokenStream input) |
TokenStreamRewriter(TokenStream tokens) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected TokenStream |
ParserATNSimulator._input |
TokenStream |
The input token stream which is being parsed.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
ProfilingATNSimulator.adaptivePredict(TokenStream input,
int decision,
ParserRuleContext outerContext) |
int |
ParserATNSimulator.adaptivePredict(TokenStream input,
int decision,
ParserRuleContext outerContext) |
protected int |
ParserATNSimulator.execATN(DFA dfa,
DFAState s0,
TokenStream input,
int startIndex,
ParserRuleContext outerContext)
Performs ATN simulation to compute a predicted alternative based
upon the remaining input, but also updates the DFA cache to avoid
having to traverse the ATN again for the same input sequence.
protected int |
ParserATNSimulator.execATNWithFullContext(DFA dfa,
DFAState D,
ATNConfigSet s0,
TokenStream input,
int startIndex,
ParserRuleContext outerContext) |
String |
ParserATNSimulator.getLookaheadName(TokenStream input) |
protected NoViableAltException |
ParserATNSimulator.noViableAlt(TokenStream input,
ParserRuleContext outerContext,
ATNConfigSet configs,
int startIndex) |
Constructor and Description |
AmbiguityInfo(int decision,
ATNConfigSet configs,
BitSet ambigAlts,
TokenStream input,
int startIndex,
int stopIndex,
boolean fullCtx)
Constructs a new instance of the
AmbiguityInfo class with the
specified detailed ambiguity information. |
ContextSensitivityInfo(int decision,
ATNConfigSet configs,
TokenStream input,
int startIndex,
int stopIndex)
Constructs a new instance of the
ContextSensitivityInfo class
with the specified detailed context sensitivity information. |
DecisionEventInfo(int decision,
ATNConfigSet configs,
TokenStream input,
int startIndex,
int stopIndex,
boolean fullCtx) |
ErrorInfo(int decision,
ATNConfigSet configs,
TokenStream input,
int startIndex,
int stopIndex,
boolean fullCtx)
Constructs a new instance of the
ErrorInfo class with the
specified detailed syntax error information. |
LookaheadEventInfo(int decision,
ATNConfigSet configs,
int predictedAlt,
TokenStream input,
int startIndex,
int stopIndex,
boolean fullCtx)
Constructs a new instance of the
LookaheadEventInfo class with
the specified detailed lookahead information. |
PredicateEvalInfo(int decision,
TokenStream input,
int startIndex,
int stopIndex,
SemanticContext semctx,
boolean evalResult,
int predictedAlt,
boolean fullCtx)
Constructs a new instance of the
PredicateEvalInfo class with the
specified detailed predicate evaluation information. |
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