Package org.antlr.v4.codegen.model.decl
Class Summary Class Description AltLabelStructDecl A StructDecl to handle a -> label on altAttributeDecl CodeBlock ContextGetterDecl ContextRuleGetterDecl public XContext X() { }
ContextRuleListGetterDecl public List<XContext> X() { } public XContext X(int i) { }
ContextRuleListIndexedGetterDecl ContextTokenGetterDecl public Token X() { }
ContextTokenListGetterDecl public List<Token> X() { } public Token X(int i) { }
ContextTokenListIndexedGetterDecl Decl ElementListDecl RuleContextDecl RuleContextListDecl StructDecl This object models the structure holding all of the parameters, return values, local variables, and labels associated with a rule.TokenDecl x=ID or implicit _tID labelTokenListDecl TokenTypeDecl