Alternative |
An outermost alternative for a rule.
ANTLRMessage |
Attribute |
Track the names of attributes defined in arg lists, return values,
scope blocks etc...
AttributeDict |
Track the attributes within retval, arg lists etc...
BuildDependencyGenerator |
Given a grammar file, show the dependencies on .tokens etc...
DefaultToolListener |
DOTGenerator |
The DOT (part of graphviz) generation aspect.
ErrorManager |
Grammar |
GrammarInterpreterRuleContext |
GrammarParserInterpreter |
A heavier weight ParserInterpreter that creates parse trees
that track alternative numbers for subtree roots.
GrammarParserInterpreter.BailButConsumeErrorStrategy |
We want to stop and track the first error but we cannot bail out like
BailErrorStrategy as consume() constructs trees.
GrammarSemanticsMessage |
A problem with the symbols and/or meaning of a grammar such as rule
GrammarSyntaxMessage |
A problem with the syntax of your antlr grammar such as
"The '{' came as a complete surprise to me at this point in your program"
GrammarTransformPipeline |
Handle left-recursion and block-set transforms
LabelElementPair |
LeftRecursionCyclesMessage |
LeftRecursiveRule |
LexerGrammar |
Rule |
ToolMessage |
A generic message from the tool such as "file not found" type errors; there
is no reason to create a special object for each error unlike the grammar
errors, which may be rather complex.