Package | Description |
org.apache.accumulo.core.client | |
org.apache.accumulo.core.client.admin | |
org.apache.accumulo.core.client.impl | |
org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mapred | |
org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mapreduce | |
org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mapreduce.lib.impl |
This package exists to store common helpers for configuring MapReduce jobs in a single location.
org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mapreduce.lib.util | | | |
org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators | |
org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.user | | |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ScannerBase.addScanIterator(IteratorSetting cfg)
Add a server-side scan iterator.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IteratorSetting |
TableOperations.getIteratorSetting(String tableName,
String name,
IteratorUtil.IteratorScope scope)
Get the settings for an iterator.
IteratorSetting |
NamespaceOperations.getIteratorSetting(String namespace,
String name,
IteratorUtil.IteratorScope scope)
Get the settings for an iterator.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
abstract List<IteratorSetting> |
ActiveCompaction.getIterators() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
TableOperations.attachIterator(String tableName,
IteratorSetting setting)
Add an iterator to a table on all scopes.
void |
NamespaceOperations.attachIterator(String namespace,
IteratorSetting setting)
Add an iterator to a namespace on all scopes.
void |
TableOperations.attachIterator(String tableName,
IteratorSetting setting,
EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes)
Add an iterator to a table on the given scopes.
void |
NamespaceOperations.attachIterator(String namespace,
IteratorSetting setting,
EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes)
Add an iterator to a namespace on the given scopes.
void |
TableOperations.checkIteratorConflicts(String tableName,
IteratorSetting setting,
EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes)
Check whether a given iterator configuration conflicts with existing configuration; in particular, determine if the name or priority are already in use for
the specified scopes.
void |
NamespaceOperations.checkIteratorConflicts(String namespace,
IteratorSetting setting,
EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes)
Check whether a given iterator configuration conflicts with existing configuration; in particular, determine if the name or priority are already in use for
the specified scopes.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
TableOperations.compact(String tableName, start, end,
List<IteratorSetting> iterators,
boolean flush,
boolean wait)
Starts a full major compaction of the tablets in the range (start, end].
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IteratorSetting |
TableOperationsHelper.getIteratorSetting(String tableName,
String name,
IteratorUtil.IteratorScope scope) |
IteratorSetting |
NamespaceOperationsHelper.getIteratorSetting(String namespace,
String name,
IteratorUtil.IteratorScope scope) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<IteratorSetting> |
ActiveCompactionImpl.getIterators() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ScannerOptions.addScanIterator(IteratorSetting si)
Adds server-side scan iterators.
void |
TableOperationsHelper.attachIterator(String tableName,
IteratorSetting setting) |
void |
NamespaceOperationsHelper.attachIterator(String namespace,
IteratorSetting setting) |
void |
TableOperationsImpl.attachIterator(String tableName,
IteratorSetting setting,
EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes) |
void |
TableOperationsHelper.attachIterator(String tableName,
IteratorSetting setting,
EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes) |
void |
NamespaceOperationsImpl.attachIterator(String namespace,
IteratorSetting setting,
EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes) |
void |
NamespaceOperationsHelper.attachIterator(String namespace,
IteratorSetting setting,
EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes) |
void |
TableOperationsHelper.checkIteratorConflicts(String tableName,
IteratorSetting setting,
EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes) |
void |
NamespaceOperationsHelper.checkIteratorConflicts(String namespace,
IteratorSetting setting,
EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes) |
ByteBuffer |
CompressedIterators.compress(IteratorSetting[] iterators) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
TableOperationsImpl.compact(String tableName, start, end,
List<IteratorSetting> iterators,
boolean flush,
boolean wait) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected static List<IteratorSetting> |
InputFormatBase.getIterators(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf job)
Gets a list of the iterator settings (for iterators to apply to a scanner) from this configuration.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
InputFormatBase.addIterator(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf job,
IteratorSetting cfg)
Encode an iterator on the input for this job.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
InputFormatBase.RecordReaderBase.setupIterators(List<IteratorSetting> iterators,
Scanner scanner)
Apply the configured iterators to the scanner.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<IteratorSetting> |
RangeInputSplit.getIterators() |
List<IteratorSetting> |
Returns the iterators to be set on this configuration
protected static List<IteratorSetting> |
InputFormatBase.getIterators(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobContext context)
Gets a list of the iterator settings (for iterators to apply to a scanner) from this configuration.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
InputFormatBase.addIterator(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job job,
IteratorSetting cfg)
Encode an iterator on the single input table for this job.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
RangeInputSplit.setIterators(List<IteratorSetting> iterators) |
InputTableConfig |
InputTableConfig.setIterators(List<IteratorSetting> iterators)
Set iterators on to be used in the query.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static List<IteratorSetting> |
InputConfigurator.getIterators(Class<?> implementingClass,
org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf)
Gets a list of the iterator settings (for iterators to apply to a scanner) from this configuration.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
InputConfigurator.addIterator(Class<?> implementingClass,
org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf,
IteratorSetting cfg)
Encode an iterator on the input for the single input table associated with this job.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static List<IteratorSetting> |
InputConfigurator.getIterators(Class<?> implementingClass,
org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf)
since 1.6.0; Configure your job with the appropriate InputFormat or OutputFormat.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
InputConfigurator.addIterator(Class<?> implementingClass,
org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf,
IteratorSetting cfg)
since 1.6.0; Configure your job with the appropriate InputFormat or OutputFormat.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IteratorSetting[] |
Condition.getIterators() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Condition |
Condition.setIterators(IteratorSetting... iterators)
Set iterators to use when reading the columns value.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static IteratorSetting |
IteratorUtil.toIteratorSetting(TIteratorSetting tis) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static List<IteratorSetting> |
IteratorUtil.decodeIteratorSettings(byte[] enc) |
static List<IteratorSetting> |
IteratorUtil.toIteratorSettings(IteratorConfig ic) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
Combiner.setColumns(IteratorSetting is,
List<IteratorSetting.Column> columns)
A convenience method to set which columns a combiner should be applied to.
static void |
Combiner.setCombineAllColumns(IteratorSetting is,
boolean combineAllColumns)
A convenience method to set the "all columns" option on a Combiner.
static void |
LongCombiner.setEncodingType(IteratorSetting is,
Class<? extends TypedValueCombiner.Encoder<Long>> encoderClass)
A convenience method for setting the long encoding type.
static void |
LongCombiner.setEncodingType(IteratorSetting is,
LongCombiner.Type type)
A convenience method for setting the long encoding type.
static void |
LongCombiner.setEncodingType(IteratorSetting is,
String encoderClassName)
A convenience method for setting the long encoding type.
static void |
TypedValueCombiner.setLossyness(IteratorSetting is,
boolean lossy)
A convenience method to set the "lossy" option on a TypedValueCombiner.
static void |
Filter.setNegate(IteratorSetting is,
boolean negate)
A convenience method for setting the negation option on a filter.
static void |
FirstEntryInRowIterator.setNumScansBeforeSeek(IteratorSetting cfg,
int num)
convenience method to set the option to optimize the frequency of scans vs.
static void |
Combiner.setReduceOnFullCompactionOnly(IteratorSetting is,
boolean reduceOnFullCompactionOnly)
Combiners may not work correctly with deletes.
static TIteratorSetting |
IteratorUtil.toTIteratorSetting(IteratorSetting is) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static byte[] |
IteratorUtil.encodeIteratorSettings(List<IteratorSetting> iterators) |
static <K extends<?>,V extends> |
IteratorUtil.loadIterators(IteratorUtil.IteratorScope scope,
SortedKeyValueIterator<K,V> source,
KeyExtent extent,
AccumuloConfiguration conf,
List<IteratorSetting> iterators,
IteratorEnvironment env) |
static IteratorConfig |
IteratorUtil.toIteratorConfig(List<IteratorSetting> iterators) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
ColumnAgeOffFilter.addTTL(IteratorSetting is,
IteratorSetting.Column column,
Long ttl)
A convenience method for adding or changing an age off threshold for a column.
static void |
VisibilityFilter.filterInvalidLabelsOnly(IteratorSetting setting,
boolean featureEnabled) |
static void |
ColumnAgeOffFilter.removeTTL(IteratorSetting is,
IteratorSetting.Column column)
A convenience method for removing an age off threshold for a column.
static void |
VisibilityFilter.setAuthorizations(IteratorSetting setting,
Authorizations auths) |
static void |
TransformingIterator.setAuthorizations(IteratorSetting config,
Authorizations auths)
Configure authorizations used for post transformation filtering.
static void |
IndexedDocIterator.setColfs(IteratorSetting is,
String indexColf,
String docColfPrefix)
A convenience method for setting the index column family and document column family prefix.
static void |
IntersectingIterator.setColumnFamilies(IteratorSetting cfg,[] columns)
Encode the columns to be used when iterating.
static void |
IntersectingIterator.setColumnFamilies(IteratorSetting cfg,[] columns,
boolean[] notFlags)
Encode columns and NOT flags indicating which columns should be negated (docIDs will be excluded if matching negated columns, instead of included).
static void |
AgeOffFilter.setCurrentTime(IteratorSetting is,
Long currentTime)
A convenience method for setting the current time (from which to measure the age off threshold).
static void |
IndexedDocIterator.setDocColfPrefix(IteratorSetting is,
String docColfPrefix)
A convenience method for setting the document column family prefix.
static void |
RegExFilter.setEncoding(IteratorSetting si,
String encoding)
Set the encoding string to use when interpreting characters
static void |
SummingArrayCombiner.setEncodingType(IteratorSetting is,
Class<? extends TypedValueCombiner.Encoder<List<Long>>> encoderClass)
A convenience method for setting the encoding type.
static void |
SummingArrayCombiner.setEncodingType(IteratorSetting is,
String encoderClassName)
A convenience method for setting the encoding type.
static void |
SummingArrayCombiner.setEncodingType(IteratorSetting is,
SummingArrayCombiner.Type type)
A convenience method for setting the encoding type.
static void |
TimestampFilter.setEnd(IteratorSetting is,
long end,
boolean endInclusive)
A convenience method for setting the end timestamp accepted by the timestamp filter.
static void |
TimestampFilter.setEnd(IteratorSetting is,
String end,
boolean endInclusive)
A convenience method for setting the end timestamp accepted by the timestamp filter.
static void |
IndexedDocIterator.setIndexColf(IteratorSetting is,
String indexColf)
A convenience method for setting the index column family.
static void |
TransformingIterator.setMaxBufferSize(IteratorSetting config,
long maxBufferSize)
Configure the maximum amount of memory that can be used for transformation.
static void |
LargeRowFilter.setMaxColumns(IteratorSetting is,
int maxColumns)
A convenience method for setting the maximum number of columns to keep.
static void |
VersioningIterator.setMaxVersions(IteratorSetting cfg,
int maxVersions)
Encode the maximum number of versions to return onto the ScanIterator
static void |
TimestampFilter.setRange(IteratorSetting is,
long start,
boolean startInclusive,
long end,
boolean endInclusive)
A convenience method for setting the range of timestamps accepted by the timestamp filter.
static void |
TimestampFilter.setRange(IteratorSetting is,
long start,
long end)
A convenience method for setting the range of timestamps accepted by the timestamp filter.
static void |
TimestampFilter.setRange(IteratorSetting is,
String start,
boolean startInclusive,
String end,
boolean endInclusive)
A convenience method for setting the range of timestamps accepted by the timestamp filter.
static void |
TimestampFilter.setRange(IteratorSetting is,
String start,
String end)
A convenience method for setting the range of timestamps accepted by the timestamp filter.
static void |
RegExFilter.setRegexs(IteratorSetting si,
String rowTerm,
String cfTerm,
String cqTerm,
String valueTerm,
boolean orFields)
Encode the terms to match against in the iterator.
static void |
RegExFilter.setRegexs(IteratorSetting si,
String rowTerm,
String cfTerm,
String cqTerm,
String valueTerm,
boolean orFields,
boolean matchSubstring)
Encode the terms to match against in the iterator
static void |
ColumnSliceFilter.setSlice(IteratorSetting si,
String start,
boolean startInclusive,
String end,
boolean endInclusive) |
static void |
ColumnSliceFilter.setSlice(IteratorSetting si,
String start,
String end) |
static void |
TimestampFilter.setStart(IteratorSetting is,
long start,
boolean startInclusive)
A convenience method for setting the start timestamp accepted by the timestamp filter.
static void |
TimestampFilter.setStart(IteratorSetting is,
String start,
boolean startInclusive)
A convenience method for setting the start timestamp accepted by the timestamp filter.
static void |
GrepIterator.setTerm(IteratorSetting cfg,
String term)
Encode the grep term as an option for a ScanIterator
static void |
AgeOffFilter.setTTL(IteratorSetting is,
Long ttl)
A convenience method for setting the age off threshold.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Map<String,List<IteratorSetting>> |
Shell.iteratorProfiles |
Map<String,List<IteratorSetting>> |
Shell.scanIteratorOptions |
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