Constructor and Description |
TableNotFoundException(String tableName,
NamespaceNotFoundException e) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
NamespaceOperations.addConstraint(String namespace,
String constraintClassName)
Add a new constraint to a namespace.
void |
NamespaceOperations.attachIterator(String namespace,
IteratorSetting setting)
Add an iterator to a namespace on all scopes.
void |
NamespaceOperations.attachIterator(String namespace,
IteratorSetting setting,
EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes)
Add an iterator to a namespace on the given scopes.
void |
NamespaceOperations.checkIteratorConflicts(String namespace,
IteratorSetting setting,
EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes)
Check whether a given iterator configuration conflicts with existing configuration; in particular, determine if the name or priority are already in use for
the specified scopes.
void |
NamespaceOperations.delete(String namespace)
Delete an empty namespace
IteratorSetting |
NamespaceOperations.getIteratorSetting(String namespace,
String name,
IteratorUtil.IteratorScope scope)
Get the settings for an iterator.
Iterable<Map.Entry<String,String>> |
NamespaceOperations.getProperties(String namespace)
Gets properties of a namespace, which are inherited by tables in this namespace.
Map<String,Integer> |
NamespaceOperations.listConstraints(String namespace)
List constraints on a namespace with their assigned numbers.
Map<String,EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope>> |
NamespaceOperations.listIterators(String namespace)
Get a list of iterators for this namespace.
void |
NamespaceOperations.removeConstraint(String namespace,
int id)
Remove a constraint from a namespace.
void |
NamespaceOperations.removeIterator(String namespace,
String name,
EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes)
Remove an iterator from a namespace by name.
void |
NamespaceOperations.removeProperty(String namespace,
String property)
Removes a property from a namespace.
void |
NamespaceOperations.rename(String oldNamespaceName,
String newNamespaceName)
Rename a namespace
void |
NamespaceOperations.setProperty(String namespace,
String property,
String value)
Sets a property on a namespace which applies to all tables in the namespace.
boolean |
NamespaceOperations.testClassLoad(String namespace,
String className,
String asTypeName)
Test to see if the instance can load the given class as the given type.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static String |
Tables._getTableId(Instance instance,
String tableName) |
int |
NamespaceOperationsImpl.addConstraint(String namespace,
String constraintClassName) |
int |
NamespaceOperationsHelper.addConstraint(String namespace,
String constraintClassName) |
void |
NamespaceOperationsHelper.attachIterator(String namespace,
IteratorSetting setting) |
void |
NamespaceOperationsImpl.attachIterator(String namespace,
IteratorSetting setting,
EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes) |
void |
NamespaceOperationsHelper.attachIterator(String namespace,
IteratorSetting setting,
EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes) |
void |
NamespaceOperationsHelper.checkIteratorConflicts(String namespace,
IteratorSetting setting,
EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes) |
void |
NamespaceOperationsImpl.delete(String namespace) |
static void |
MasterClient.executeNamespace(Instance instance,
ClientExec<MasterClientService.Client> exec) |
IteratorSetting |
NamespaceOperationsHelper.getIteratorSetting(String namespace,
String name,
IteratorUtil.IteratorScope scope) |
static String |
Namespaces.getNamespaceId(Instance instance,
String namespace) |
static String |
Namespaces.getNamespaceName(Instance instance,
String namespaceId) |
Iterable<Map.Entry<String,String>> |
NamespaceOperationsImpl.getProperties(String namespace) |
static List<String> |
Namespaces.getTableIds(Instance instance,
String namespaceId) |
static List<String> |
Namespaces.getTableNames(Instance instance,
String namespaceId) |
Map<String,Integer> |
NamespaceOperationsHelper.listConstraints(String namespace) |
Map<String,EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope>> |
NamespaceOperationsHelper.listIterators(String namespace) |
void |
NamespaceOperationsHelper.removeConstraint(String namespace,
int number) |
void |
NamespaceOperationsHelper.removeIterator(String namespace,
String name,
EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes) |
void |
NamespaceOperationsImpl.removeProperty(String namespace,
String property) |
void |
NamespaceOperationsImpl.rename(String oldNamespaceName,
String newNamespaceName) |
void |
NamespaceOperationsImpl.setProperty(String namespace,
String property,
String value) |
boolean |
NamespaceOperationsImpl.testClassLoad(String namespace,
String className,
String asTypeName) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
TablesCommand.execute(String fullCommand,
org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine cl,
Shell shellState) |
int |
RenameNamespaceCommand.execute(String fullCommand,
org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine cl,
Shell shellState) |
int |
DUCommand.execute(String fullCommand,
org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine cl,
Shell shellState) |
int |
CreateNamespaceCommand.execute(String fullCommand,
org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine cl,
Shell shellState) |
int |
ConfigCommand.execute(String fullCommand,
org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine cl,
Shell shellState) |
static String |
OptUtil.getNamespaceOpt(org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine cl,
Shell shellState) |
protected void |
SetIterCommand.setNamespaceProperties(org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine cl,
Shell shellState,
int priority,
Map<String,String> options,
String classname,
String name) |
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