Package | Description |
org.apache.accumulo.core.client | |
org.apache.accumulo.core.client.admin | |
org.apache.accumulo.core.client.impl | |
org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mapred | |
org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mapreduce | |
org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mapreduce.lib.impl |
This package exists to store common helpers for configuring MapReduce jobs in a single location.
org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mapreduce.lib.util | |
org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mock | |
org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mock.impl | |
org.apache.accumulo.core.conf | |
org.apache.accumulo.core.metadata | | | | |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
abstract BatchDeleter |
Connector.createBatchDeleter(String tableName,
Authorizations authorizations,
int numQueryThreads,
BatchWriterConfig config) |
abstract BatchDeleter |
Connector.createBatchDeleter(String tableName,
Authorizations authorizations,
int numQueryThreads,
long maxMemory,
long maxLatency,
int maxWriteThreads)
since 1.5.0; Use
Connector.createBatchDeleter(String, Authorizations, int, BatchWriterConfig) instead. |
abstract BatchScanner |
Connector.createBatchScanner(String tableName,
Authorizations authorizations,
int numQueryThreads)
Factory method to create a BatchScanner connected to Accumulo.
abstract BatchWriter |
Connector.createBatchWriter(String tableName,
BatchWriterConfig config)
Factory method to create a BatchWriter connected to Accumulo.
abstract BatchWriter |
Connector.createBatchWriter(String tableName,
long maxMemory,
long maxLatency,
int maxWriteThreads)
since 1.5.0; Use
Connector.createBatchWriter(String, BatchWriterConfig) instead. |
abstract ConditionalWriter |
Connector.createConditionalWriter(String tableName,
ConditionalWriterConfig config)
Factory method to create a ConditionalWriter connected to Accumulo.
abstract Scanner |
Connector.createScanner(String tableName,
Authorizations authorizations)
Factory method to create a Scanner connected to Accumulo.
void |
Deletes the ranges specified by
BatchDeleter.setRanges(java.util.Collection . |
BatchWriter |
MultiTableBatchWriter.getBatchWriter(String table)
Returns a BatchWriter for a particular table.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
TableOperations.addConstraint(String tableName,
String constraintClassName)
Add a new constraint to a table.
void |
TableOperations.addSplits(String tableName,
SortedSet<> partitionKeys)
Ensures that tablets are split along a set of keys.
void |
TableOperations.attachIterator(String tableName,
IteratorSetting setting)
Add an iterator to a table on all scopes.
void |
TableOperations.attachIterator(String tableName,
IteratorSetting setting,
EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes)
Add an iterator to a table on the given scopes.
void |
TableOperations.cancelCompaction(String tableName)
Cancels a user initiated major compaction of a table initiated with
TableOperations.compact(String, Text, Text, boolean, boolean) or
TableOperations.compact(String, Text, Text, List, boolean, boolean) . |
void |
TableOperations.checkIteratorConflicts(String tableName,
IteratorSetting setting,
EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes)
Check whether a given iterator configuration conflicts with existing configuration; in particular, determine if the name or priority are already in use for
the specified scopes.
void |
TableOperations.clearLocatorCache(String tableName)
Clears the tablet locator cache for a specified table
void |
TableOperations.clone(String srcTableName,
String newTableName,
boolean flush,
Map<String,String> propertiesToSet,
Set<String> propertiesToExclude)
Clone a table from an existing table.
void |
TableOperations.compact(String tableName, start, end,
boolean flush,
boolean wait)
Starts a full major compaction of the tablets in the range (start, end].
void |
TableOperations.compact(String tableName, start, end,
List<IteratorSetting> iterators,
boolean flush,
boolean wait)
Starts a full major compaction of the tablets in the range (start, end].
void |
TableOperations.delete(String tableName)
Delete a table
void |
TableOperations.deleteRows(String tableName, start, end)
Delete rows between (start, end]
void |
TableOperations.exportTable(String tableName,
String exportDir)
Exports a table.
static |
FindMax.findMax(Scanner scanner, start,
boolean is, end,
boolean ie) |
void |
TableOperations.flush(String tableName, start, end,
boolean wait)
Flush a table's data that is currently in memory.
List<DiskUsage> |
TableOperations.getDiskUsage(Set<String> tables)
Gets the number of bytes being used in the files for a set of tables
IteratorSetting |
TableOperations.getIteratorSetting(String tableName,
String name,
IteratorUtil.IteratorScope scope)
Get the settings for an iterator.
Map<String,Set<>> |
TableOperations.getLocalityGroups(String tableName)
Gets the locality groups currently set for a table.
| |
TableOperations.getMaxRow(String tableName,
Authorizations auths, startRow,
boolean startInclusive, endRow,
boolean endInclusive)
Finds the max row within a given range.
Iterable<Map.Entry<String,String>> |
TableOperations.getProperties(String tableName)
Gets properties of a table.
Collection<> |
TableOperations.getSplits(String tableName)
since 1.5.0; use
TableOperations.listSplits(String) instead. |
Collection<> |
TableOperations.getSplits(String tableName,
int maxSplits)
since 1.5.0; use
TableOperations.listSplits(String, int) instead. |
abstract String |
ActiveCompaction.getTable() |
void |
TableOperations.importDirectory(String tableName,
String dir,
String failureDir,
boolean setTime)
Bulk import all the files in a directory into a table.
Map<String,Integer> |
TableOperations.listConstraints(String tableName)
List constraints on a table with their assigned numbers.
Map<String,EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope>> |
TableOperations.listIterators(String tableName)
Get a list of iterators for this table.
Collection<> |
TableOperations.listSplits(String tableName) |
Collection<> |
TableOperations.listSplits(String tableName,
int maxSplits) |
void |
TableOperations.merge(String tableName, start, end)
Merge tablets between (start, end]
void |
TableOperations.offline(String tableName)
Initiates taking a table offline, but does not wait for action to complete
void |
TableOperations.offline(String tableName,
boolean wait) |
void | tableName)
Initiates bringing a table online, but does not wait for action to complete
void | tableName,
boolean wait) |
void |
TableOperations.removeIterator(String tableName,
String name,
EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes)
Remove an iterator from a table by name.
void |
TableOperations.rename(String oldTableName,
String newTableName)
Rename a table
void |
TableOperations.setLocalityGroups(String tableName,
Map<String,Set<>> groups)
Sets a table's locality groups.
Set<Range> |
TableOperations.splitRangeByTablets(String tableName,
Range range,
int maxSplits) |
boolean |
TableOperations.testClassLoad(String tableName,
String className,
String asTypeName)
Test to see if the instance can load the given class as the given type.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static String |
Tables._getTableId(Instance instance,
String tableName) |
protected TabletLocator.TabletLocation |
TabletLocatorImpl._locateTablet(Credentials credentials, row,
boolean skipRow,
boolean retry,
boolean lock,
org.apache.accumulo.core.client.impl.TabletLocatorImpl.LockCheckerSession lcSession) |
int |
TableOperationsImpl.addConstraint(String tableName,
String constraintClassName) |
int |
TableOperationsHelper.addConstraint(String tableName,
String constraintClassName) |
void |
TableOperationsImpl.addSplits(String tableName,
SortedSet<> partitionKeys) |
void |
TableOperationsHelper.attachIterator(String tableName,
IteratorSetting setting) |
void |
TableOperationsImpl.attachIterator(String tableName,
IteratorSetting setting,
EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes) |
void |
TableOperationsHelper.attachIterator(String tableName,
IteratorSetting setting,
EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes) |
<T extends Mutation> |
TimeoutTabletLocator.binMutations(Credentials credentials,
List<T> mutations,
Map<String,TabletLocator.TabletServerMutations<T>> binnedMutations,
List<T> failures) |
<T extends Mutation> |
TabletLocatorImpl.binMutations(Credentials credentials,
List<T> mutations,
Map<String,TabletLocator.TabletServerMutations<T>> binnedMutations,
List<T> failures) |
abstract <T extends Mutation> |
TabletLocator.binMutations(Credentials credentials,
List<T> mutations,
Map<String,TabletLocator.TabletServerMutations<T>> binnedMutations,
List<T> failures) |
<T extends Mutation> |
RootTabletLocator.binMutations(Credentials credentials,
List<T> mutations,
Map<String,TabletLocator.TabletServerMutations<T>> binnedMutations,
List<T> failures) |
List<Range> |
TimeoutTabletLocator.binRanges(Credentials credentials,
List<Range> ranges,
Map<String,Map<KeyExtent,List<Range>>> binnedRanges) |
List<Range> |
TabletLocatorImpl.binRanges(Credentials credentials,
List<Range> ranges,
Map<String,Map<KeyExtent,List<Range>>> binnedRanges) |
abstract List<Range> |
TabletLocator.binRanges(Credentials credentials,
List<Range> ranges,
Map<String,Map<KeyExtent,List<Range>>> binnedRanges) |
List<Range> |
RootTabletLocator.binRanges(Credentials credentials,
List<Range> ranges,
Map<String,Map<KeyExtent,List<Range>>> binnedRanges) |
void |
TableOperationsImpl.cancelCompaction(String tableName) |
void |
TableOperationsHelper.checkIteratorConflicts(String tableName,
IteratorSetting setting,
EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes) |
void |
TableOperationsImpl.clearLocatorCache(String tableName)
Clears the tablet locator cache for a specified table
void |
TableOperationsImpl.clone(String srcTableName,
String newTableName,
boolean flush,
Map<String,String> propertiesToSet,
Set<String> propertiesToExclude) |
void |
TableOperationsImpl.compact(String tableName, start, end,
boolean flush,
boolean wait) |
void |
TableOperationsImpl.compact(String tableName, start, end,
List<IteratorSetting> iterators,
boolean flush,
boolean wait) |
BatchDeleter |
ConnectorImpl.createBatchDeleter(String tableName,
Authorizations authorizations,
int numQueryThreads,
BatchWriterConfig config) |
BatchDeleter |
ConnectorImpl.createBatchDeleter(String tableName,
Authorizations authorizations,
int numQueryThreads,
long maxMemory,
long maxLatency,
int maxWriteThreads)
BatchScanner |
ConnectorImpl.createBatchScanner(String tableName,
Authorizations authorizations,
int numQueryThreads) |
BatchWriter |
ConnectorImpl.createBatchWriter(String tableName,
BatchWriterConfig config) |
BatchWriter |
ConnectorImpl.createBatchWriter(String tableName,
long maxMemory,
long maxLatency,
int maxWriteThreads)
ConditionalWriter |
ConnectorImpl.createConditionalWriter(String tableName,
ConditionalWriterConfig config) |
protected IsolatedScanner |
TableOperationsImpl.createMetadataScanner(Instance inst,
Credentials creds,
String metaTable,
Range range)
Create an IsolatedScanner over the given table, fetching the columns necessary to determine when a table has transitioned to online or offline.
Scanner |
ConnectorImpl.createScanner(String tableName,
Authorizations authorizations) |
void |
TabletServerBatchDeleter.delete() |
void |
TableOperationsImpl.delete(String tableName)
Delete a table
void |
TableOperationsImpl.deleteRows(String tableName, start, end) |
static <T> T |
MasterClient.execute(Instance instance,
ClientExecReturn<T,MasterClientService.Client> exec) |
static void |
MasterClient.executeGeneric(Instance instance,
ClientExec<MasterClientService.Client> exec) |
static void |
MasterClient.executeTable(Instance instance,
ClientExec<MasterClientService.Client> exec) |
void |
TableOperationsImpl.exportTable(String tableName,
String exportDir) |
void |
TableOperationsImpl.flush(String tableName, start, end,
boolean wait)
Flush a table
BatchWriter |
MultiTableBatchWriterImpl.getBatchWriter(String tableName) |
List<DiskUsage> |
TableOperationsImpl.getDiskUsage(Set<String> tableNames) |
IteratorSetting |
TableOperationsHelper.getIteratorSetting(String tableName,
String name,
IteratorUtil.IteratorScope scope) |
Map<String,Set<>> |
TableOperationsImpl.getLocalityGroups(String tableName)
Gets the locality groups currently set for a table.
| |
TableOperationsImpl.getMaxRow(String tableName,
Authorizations auths, startRow,
boolean startInclusive, endRow,
boolean endInclusive) |
Iterable<Map.Entry<String,String>> |
TableOperationsImpl.getProperties(String tableName)
Gets properties of a table
Collection<> |
TableOperationsImpl.getSplits(String tableName)
Collection<> |
TableOperationsImpl.getSplits(String tableName,
int maxSplits)
String |
ActiveCompactionImpl.getTable() |
static String |
Tables.getTableId(Instance instance,
String tableName) |
static String |
Tables.getTableName(Instance instance,
String tableId) |
void |
TableOperationsImpl.importDirectory(String tableName,
String dir,
String failureDir,
boolean setTime) |
Map<String,Integer> |
TableOperationsHelper.listConstraints(String tableName) |
Map<String,EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope>> |
TableOperationsHelper.listIterators(String tableName) |
Collection<> |
TableOperationsImpl.listSplits(String tableName) |
Collection<> |
TableOperationsImpl.listSplits(String tableName,
int maxSplits) |
TabletLocator.TabletLocation |
TimeoutTabletLocator.locateTablet(Credentials credentials, row,
boolean skipRow,
boolean retry) |
TabletLocator.TabletLocation |
TabletLocatorImpl.locateTablet(Credentials credentials, row,
boolean skipRow,
boolean retry) |
abstract TabletLocator.TabletLocation |
TabletLocator.locateTablet(Credentials credentials, row,
boolean skipRow,
boolean retry) |
TabletLocator.TabletLocation |
RootTabletLocator.locateTablet(Credentials credentials, row,
boolean skipRow,
boolean retry) |
void |
TableOperationsImpl.merge(String tableName, start, end) |
void |
TableOperationsImpl.offline(String tableName) |
void |
TableOperationsImpl.offline(String tableName,
boolean wait) |
void | tableName) |
void | tableName,
boolean wait) |
void |
TableOperationsHelper.removeIterator(String tableName,
String name,
EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes) |
void |
TableOperationsImpl.rename(String oldTableName,
String newTableName)
Rename a table
static List<KeyValue> |
ThriftScanner.scan(Instance instance,
Credentials credentials,
ThriftScanner.ScanState scanState,
int timeOut,
AccumuloConfiguration conf) |
void |
TableOperationsImpl.setLocalityGroups(String tableName,
Map<String,Set<>> groups)
Sets a tables locality groups.
Set<Range> |
TableOperationsImpl.splitRangeByTablets(String tableName,
Range range,
int maxSplits) |
boolean |
TableOperationsImpl.testClassLoad(String tableName,
String className,
String asTypeName) |
void |
Writer.update(Mutation m) |
Constructor and Description |
TabletServerBatchDeleter(Instance instance,
Credentials credentials,
String tableId,
Authorizations authorizations,
int numQueryThreads,
BatchWriterConfig bwConfig) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected static TabletLocator |
InputFormatBase.getTabletLocator(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf job)
since 1.6.0
protected static TabletLocator |
AbstractInputFormat.getTabletLocator(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf job,
String tableId)
Initializes an Accumulo
TabletLocator based on the configuration. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected static TabletLocator |
InputFormatBase.getTabletLocator(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobContext context)
since 1.6.0
protected static TabletLocator |
AbstractInputFormat.getTabletLocator(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobContext context,
String table)
Initializes an Accumulo
TabletLocator based on the configuration. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Map<String,Map<KeyExtent,List<Range>>> |
InputConfigurator.binOffline(String tableId,
List<Range> ranges,
Instance instance,
Connector conn) |
static TabletLocator |
InputConfigurator.getTabletLocator(Class<?> implementingClass,
org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf,
String tableId)
Initializes an Accumulo
TabletLocator based on the configuration. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static TabletLocator |
InputConfigurator.getTabletLocator(Class<?> implementingClass,
org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf)
since 1.6.0; Configure your job with the appropriate InputFormat or OutputFormat.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T extends Mutation> |
MockTabletLocator.binMutations(List<T> mutations,
Map<String,TabletLocator.TabletServerMutations<T>> binnedMutations,
List<T> failures,
TCredentials credentials)
List<Range> |
MockTabletLocator.binRanges(List<Range> ranges,
Map<String,Map<KeyExtent,List<Range>>> binnedRanges,
TCredentials credentials)
BatchDeleter |
MockConnector.createBatchDeleter(String tableName,
Authorizations authorizations,
int numQueryThreads,
BatchWriterConfig config) |
BatchDeleter |
MockConnector.createBatchDeleter(String tableName,
Authorizations authorizations,
int numQueryThreads,
long maxMemory,
long maxLatency,
int maxWriteThreads)
BatchScanner |
MockConnector.createBatchScanner(String tableName,
Authorizations authorizations,
int numQueryThreads) |
BatchWriter |
MockConnector.createBatchWriter(String tableName,
BatchWriterConfig config) |
BatchWriter |
MockConnector.createBatchWriter(String tableName,
long maxMemory,
long maxLatency,
int maxWriteThreads)
ConditionalWriter |
MockConnector.createConditionalWriter(String tableName,
ConditionalWriterConfig config) |
Scanner |
MockConnector.createScanner(String tableName,
Authorizations authorizations) |
void |
MockBatchDeleter.delete() |
BatchWriter |
MockMultiTableBatchWriter.getBatchWriter(String table) |
ClassLoader |
MockShell.getClassLoader(org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine cl,
Shell shellState) |
TabletLocator.TabletLocation |
MockTabletLocator.locateTablet( row,
boolean skipRow,
boolean retry,
TCredentials credentials)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T extends Mutation> |
MockTabletLocator.binMutations(Credentials credentials,
List<T> mutations,
Map<String,TabletLocator.TabletServerMutations<T>> binnedMutations,
List<T> failures) |
List<Range> |
MockTabletLocator.binRanges(Credentials credentials,
List<Range> ranges,
Map<String,Map<KeyExtent,List<Range>>> binnedRanges) |
TabletLocator.TabletLocation |
MockTabletLocator.locateTablet(Credentials credentials, row,
boolean skipRow,
boolean retry) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static AccumuloConfiguration |
AccumuloConfiguration.getTableConfiguration(Connector conn,
String tableId) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
abstract void |
MetadataServicer.getTabletLocations(SortedMap<KeyExtent,String> tablets)
Populate the provided data structure with the known tablets for the table being serviced
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ClassLoader |
Shell.getClassLoader(org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine cl,
Shell shellState) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
OnlineCommand.doTableOp(Shell shellState,
String tableName) |
protected void |
OfflineCommand.doTableOp(Shell shellState,
String tableName) |
protected void |
FlushCommand.doTableOp(Shell shellState,
String tableName) |
int |
TableCommand.execute(String fullCommand,
org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine cl,
Shell shellState) |
int |
SetShellIterCommand.execute(String fullCommand,
org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine cl,
Shell shellState) |
int |
SetScanIterCommand.execute(String fullCommand,
org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine cl,
Shell shellState) |
int |
SetIterCommand.execute(String fullCommand,
org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine cl,
Shell shellState) |
int |
RenameTableCommand.execute(String fullCommand,
org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine cl,
Shell shellState) |
int |
RenameNamespaceCommand.execute(String fullCommand,
org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine cl,
Shell shellState) |
int |
InsertCommand.execute(String fullCommand,
org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine cl,
Shell shellState) |
int |
ImportTableCommand.execute(String fullCommand,
org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine cl,
Shell shellState) |
int |
ImportDirectoryCommand.execute(String fullCommand,
org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine cl,
Shell shellState) |
int |
GetSplitsCommand.execute(String fullCommand,
org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine cl,
Shell shellState) |
int |
ExportTableCommand.execute(String fullCommand,
org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine cl,
Shell shellState) |
int |
DeleteCommand.execute(String fullCommand,
org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine cl,
Shell shellState) |
int |
DUCommand.execute(String fullCommand,
org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine cl,
Shell shellState) |
int |
CreateUserCommand.execute(String fullCommand,
org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine cl,
Shell shellState) |
int |
CreateTableCommand.execute(String fullCommand,
org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine cl,
Shell shellState) |
int |
CreateNamespaceCommand.execute(String fullCommand,
org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine cl,
Shell shellState) |
int |
ConfigCommand.execute(String fullCommand,
org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine cl,
Shell shellState) |
int |
CloneTableCommand.execute(String fullCommand,
org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine cl,
Shell shellState) |
static String |
OptUtil.getTableOpt(org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine cl,
Shell shellState) |
protected void |
SetShellIterCommand.setTableProperties(org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine cl,
Shell shellState,
int priority,
Map<String,String> options,
String classname,
String name) |
protected void |
SetScanIterCommand.setTableProperties(org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine cl,
Shell shellState,
int priority,
Map<String,String> options,
String classname,
String name) |
protected void |
SetIterCommand.setTableProperties(org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine cl,
Shell shellState,
int priority,
Map<String,String> options,
String classname,
String name) |
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