Interface Summarizer

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    AuthorizationSummarizer, CountingSummarizer, DeletesSummarizer, EntryLengthSummarizer, FamilySummarizer, VisibilitySummarizer

    public interface Summarizer
    Instances of this interface can be configured for Accumulo tables. When Accumulo compacts files, it will use this Factory to create Summarizer.Collector and Summarizer.Combiner objects to generate summary information about the data in the file.

    In order to merge summary information from multiple files, Accumulo will use this factory to create a Summarizer.Combiner object.

    Below is an example of a very simple summarizer that will compute the number of deletes, total number of keys, min timestamp and max timestamp.

       public class BasicSummarizer implements Summarizer {
         public static final String DELETES_STAT = "deletes";
         public static final String MIN_STAMP_STAT = "minStamp";
         public static final String MAX_STAMP_STAT = "maxStamp";
         public static final String TOTAL_STAT = "total";
         public Collector collector(SummarizerConfiguration sc) {
           return new Collector() {
             private long minStamp = Long.MAX_VALUE;
             private long maxStamp = Long.MIN_VALUE;
             private long deletes = 0;
             private long total = 0;
             public void accept(Key k, Value v) {
               if (k.getTimestamp() < minStamp) {
                 minStamp = k.getTimestamp();
               if (k.getTimestamp() > maxStamp) {
                 maxStamp = k.getTimestamp();
               if (k.isDeleted()) {
             public void summarize(StatisticConsumer sc) {
               sc.accept(MIN_STAMP_STAT, minStamp);
               sc.accept(MAX_STAMP_STAT, maxStamp);
               sc.accept(DELETES_STAT, deletes);
               sc.accept(TOTAL_STAT, total);
         public Combiner combiner(SummarizerConfiguration sc) {
           return (stats1, stats2) -> {
             stats1.merge(DELETES_STAT, stats2.get(DELETES_STAT), Long::sum);
             stats1.merge(TOTAL_STAT, stats2.get(TOTAL_STAT), Long::sum);
             stats1.merge(MIN_STAMP_STAT, stats2.get(MIN_STAMP_STAT), Long::min);
             stats1.merge(MAX_STAMP_STAT, stats2.get(MAX_STAMP_STAT), Long::max);

    Below is an example summarizer that counts the log of the value length.

     public class ValueLogLengthSummarizer implements Summarizer {
      public Collector collector(SummarizerConfiguration sc) {
        return new Collector(){
          long[] counts = new long[32];
          public void accept(Key k, Value v) {
            int idx;
            if(v.getSize() == 0)
              idx = 0;
              idx = IntMath.log2(v.getSize(), RoundingMode.UP);  //IntMath is from Guava
          public void summarize(StatisticConsumer sc) {
            for (int i = 0; i < counts.length; i++) {
              if(counts[i] > 0) {
                sc.accept(""+(1<<i), counts[i]);
      public Combiner combiner(SummarizerConfiguration sc) {
        return (m1, m2) -> m2.forEach((k,v) -> m1.merge(k, v, Long::sum));

    The reason a Summarizer is a factory for a Collector and Combiner is to make it very clear in the API that Accumulo uses them independently at different times. Therefore its not advisable to share internal state between the Collector and Combiner. The example implementation shows that the Collectors design allows for very efficient collection of specialized summary information. Creating String + Long pairs is deferred until the summarize method is called.

    Summary data can be used by Compaction Strategies to decide which files to compact.

    Summary data is persisted, so ideally the same summarizer class with the same options should always produce the same results. If you need to change the behavior of a summarizer, then consider doing this by adding a new option. If the same summarizer is configured twice with different options, then Accumulo will store and merge each one separately. This can allow old and new behavior to coexists simultaneously.

    See Also:
    TableOperations.summaries(String), TableOperations.addSummarizers(String, SummarizerConfiguration...), TableOperations.listSummarizers(String), TableOperations.removeSummarizers(String, java.util.function.Predicate), RFile.summaries(), SummarizerConfiguration