Class Summary.FileStatistics

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class Summary.FileStatistics
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • getTotal

        public long getTotal()
        The total number of files from which summary information was obtained.
      • getMissing

        public long getMissing()
        The number of files that did not contain the requested summary information. When this is non-zero, it means that summary counts may be incomplete. In the Accumulo shell, the compact command has a --sf-no-summary option to compact files missing summary information. The compaction will create the summary information. This could be done over a range of the table to avoid doing the entire table at once.
      • getExtra

        public long getExtra()
        The number of files that had summary information outside of a tablet or query range boundaries. When this is non-zero, it means that summary counts may be artificially inflated or contain extraneous information. In the Accumulo shell, the compact command has a --sf-extra-summary option to compact files with extra summary information.
      • getDeleted

        public long getDeleted()
        The number of files that were deleted after the summary retrieval operations started. This is a rare race condition where a compaction causes a file to be deleted while retrieving summaries. When this happens, the file that replaced the deleted file can not be used because it may contain duplication summary information for other files. Avoiding this race condition would be expensive, so reporting it was chosen. If this condition must be avoided, then compactions must be stopped. Compactions could be stopped on a cloned table to avoid this.
      • getInaccurate

        public long getInaccurate()
        The total number of files that had some kind of issue which would cause summary statistics to be inaccurate. This is the sum of getMissing(), getExtra(), getLarge(), and getDeleted().