Interface BalancerEnvironment

    • Method Detail

      • getTableIdMap

        Map<String,​TableId> getTableIdMap()
        Many Accumulo plugins are given table IDs as this is what Accumulo uses internally to identify tables. This provides a mapping of table names to table IDs for the purposes of translating and/or enumerating the existing tables.
      • isTableOnline

        boolean isTableOnline​(TableId tableId)
        Accumulo plugins working with a table may need to know if the table is online or not before operating on it.
        tableId - The id of the table to check.
        true if the table is online and false if not
      • listTabletLocations

        Map<TabletId,​TabletServerId> listTabletLocations​(TableId tableId)
        Fetch the locations for each of tableId's tablets from the metadata table. If there is no location available for a given tablet, then the returned mapping will have a null value stored for the tablet id.
        tableId - The id of the table for which to retrieve tablets.
        a mapping of TabletId to TabletServerId (or @null if no location is available) for each tablet belonging to tableId
      • tableContext

        String tableContext​(TableId tableId)
        Retrieve the classloader context that is configured for tableId, or null if none is configured.