Interface VolumeChooser

    • Method Detail

      • choose

        String choose​(VolumeChooserEnvironment env,
                      Set<String> options)
        Choose a volume from the provided options.
        env - the server environment provided by the calling framework
        options - the list of volumes to choose from
        one of the options
      • choosable

        Set<String> choosable​(VolumeChooserEnvironment env,
                              Set<String> options)
        Return the subset of volumes that could possibly be chosen by this chooser across all invocations of choose(VolumeChooserEnvironment, Set). Currently this is used to determine if all of the volumes that could be chosen for write ahead logs support the needed filesystem operations. There may be other use cases in the future.
        env - the server environment provided by the calling framework
        options - the subset of volumes to choose from
        array of valid options