Constant Field Values



  • org.apache.accumulo.core.file.rfile.RFile 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final String EXTENSION "rf"
  • org.apache.accumulo.core.file.rfile.RFile.Writer 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final int MAX_CF_IN_DLG 1000
  • org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.user.CfCqSliceOpts 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final String OPT_MAX_CF "maxCf"
    public static final String OPT_MAX_CF_DESC "UTF-8 encoded string representing maximum column family. Optional parameter. If minCf and minCq are undefined, the column slice will start at the first column of each row. If you want to do an exact match on column families, it\'s more efficient to leave minCf and maxCf undefined and use the scanner\'s fetchColumnFamily method."
    public static final String OPT_MAX_CQ "maxCq"
    public static final String OPT_MAX_CQ_DESC "UTF-8 encoded string representing maximum column qualifier. Optional parameter. If maxCf and MaxCq are undefined, the column slice will end at the last column of each row."
    public static final String OPT_MAX_INCLUSIVE "maxInclusive"
    public static final String OPT_MAX_INCLUSIVE_DESC "UTF-8 encoded string indicating whether to include the maximum column in the slice range. Optional parameter, default is true."
    public static final String OPT_MIN_CF "minCf"
    public static final String OPT_MIN_CF_DESC "UTF-8 encoded string representing minimum column family. Optional parameter. If minCf and minCq are undefined, the column slice will start at the first column of each row. If you want to do an exact match on column families, it\'s more efficient to leave minCf and maxCf undefined and use the scanner\'s fetchColumnFamily method."
    public static final String OPT_MIN_CQ "minCq"
    public static final String OPT_MIN_CQ_DESC "UTF-8 encoded string representing minimum column qualifier. Optional parameter. If minCf and minCq are undefined, the column slice will start at the first column of each row."
    public static final String OPT_MIN_INCLUSIVE "minInclusive"
    public static final String OPT_MIN_INCLUSIVE_DESC "UTF-8 encoded string indicating whether to include the minimum column in the slice range. Optional parameter, default is true."
  • org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.user.ColumnSliceFilter 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final String END_BOUND "endBound"
    public static final String END_INCLUSIVE "endInclusive"
    public static final String START_BOUND "startBound"
    public static final String START_INCLUSIVE "startInclusive"
  • org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.user.RegExFilter 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final String COLF_REGEX "colfRegex"
    public static final String COLQ_REGEX "colqRegex"
    public static final String ENCODING "encoding"
    public static final String MATCH_SUBSTRING "matchSubstring"
    public static final String OR_FIELDS "orFields"
    public static final String ROW_REGEX "rowRegex"
    public static final String VALUE_REGEX "valueRegex"
  • org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.user.RowEncodingIterator 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final String MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_OPT "maxBufferSize"
  • org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.user.SeekingFilter 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final String NEGATE "negate"
  • org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.user.TimestampFilter 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final String END "end"
    public static final String END_INCL "endInclusive"
    public static final String START "start"
    public static final String START_INCL "startInclusive"
  • org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.user.TransformingIterator 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final String AUTH_OPT "authorizations"
    public static final String MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_OPT "maxBufferSize"
  • org.apache.accumulo.core.logging.Logging 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final String PREFIX "org.apache.accumulo."
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final String HEADER "!AUTH1:"