Package org.apache.accumulo.core.client
Class ClientSideIteratorScanner
- java.lang.Object
- org.apache.accumulo.core.clientImpl.ScannerOptions
- org.apache.accumulo.core.client.ClientSideIteratorScanner
- All Implemented Interfaces:
public class ClientSideIteratorScanner extends ScannerOptions implements Scanner
A scanner that instantiates iterators on the client side instead of on the tablet server. This can be useful for testing iterators or in cases where you don't want iterators affecting the performance of tablet servers.Suggested usage:
Scanner scanner = client.createScanner(tableName, authorizations); scanner = new ClientSideIteratorScanner(scanner);
Iterators added to this scanner will be run in the client JVM. Separate scan iterators can be run on the server side and client side by adding iterators to the source scanner (which will execute server side) and to the client side scanner (which will execute client side).
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.apache.accumulo.core.client.ScannerBase
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.apache.accumulo.core.clientImpl.ScannerOptions
batchTimeout, classLoaderContext, executionHints, fetchedColumns, retryTimeout, serverSideIteratorList, serverSideIteratorOptions
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description ClientSideIteratorScanner(Scanner scanner)
Constructs a scanner that can execute client-side iterators.
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method Description void
Clear any iterator sampler configuration.void
Closes any underlying connections on the scanner.void
Disables row isolation.void
Enables row isolation.Authorizations
Returns the authorizations that have been set on the scannerint
Returns the batch size (number of Key/Value pairs) that will be fetched at a time from a tablet server.SamplerConfiguration
Returns the range of keys to scan over.long
The number of batches of Key/Value pairs returned before theScanner
will begin to prefetch the next batchIterator<Map.Entry<Key,Value>>
Returns an iterator over an accumulo table.void
setBatchSize(int size)
Sets the number of Key/Value pairs that will be fetched at a time from a tablet server.void
setIteratorSamplerConfiguration(SamplerConfiguration sc)
This is provided for the case where no sampler configuration is set on the scanner, but there is a need to create iterator deep copies that have sampling enabled.void
setRange(Range range)
Sets the range of keys to scan over.void
setReadaheadThreshold(long batches)
Sets the number of batches of Key/Value pairs returned before theScanner
will begin to prefetch the next batchvoid
setSource(Scanner scanner)
Sets the source Scanner.-
Methods inherited from class org.apache.accumulo.core.clientImpl.ScannerOptions
addScanIterator, clearClassLoaderContext, clearColumns, clearSamplerConfiguration, clearScanIterators, fetchColumn, fetchColumn, fetchColumnFamily, getBatchTimeout, getClassLoaderContext, getConsistencyLevel, getFetchedColumns, getSamplerConfiguration, getTimeout, removeScanIterator, setBatchTimeout, setClassLoaderContext, setConsistencyLevel, setExecutionHints, setOptions, setSamplerConfiguration, setTimeout, updateScanIteratorOption
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Iterable
forEach, spliterator
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.accumulo.core.client.ScannerBase
addScanIterator, clearClassLoaderContext, clearColumns, clearSamplerConfiguration, clearScanIterators, fetchColumn, fetchColumn, fetchColumn, fetchColumnFamily, fetchColumnFamily, forEach, getBatchTimeout, getClassLoaderContext, getConsistencyLevel, getSamplerConfiguration, getTimeout, removeScanIterator, setBatchTimeout, setClassLoaderContext, setConsistencyLevel, setExecutionHints, setSamplerConfiguration, setTimeout, stream, updateScanIteratorOption
Constructor Detail
public ClientSideIteratorScanner(Scanner scanner)
Constructs a scanner that can execute client-side iterators.- Parameters:
- the source scanner
Method Detail
public void setSource(Scanner scanner)
Sets the source Scanner.
public Iterator<Map.Entry<Key,Value>> iterator()
Description copied from interface:ScannerBase
Returns an iterator over an accumulo table. This iterator uses the options that are currently set for its lifetime, so setting options will have no effect on existing iterators.Keys returned by the iterator are not guaranteed to be in sorted order.
- Specified by:
in interfaceIterable<Map.Entry<Key,Value>>
- Specified by:
in interfaceScannerBase
- Overrides:
in classScannerOptions
- Returns:
- an iterator over Key,Value pairs which meet the restrictions set on the scanner
public Authorizations getAuthorizations()
Description copied from interface:ScannerBase
Returns the authorizations that have been set on the scanner- Specified by:
in interfaceScannerBase
- Overrides:
in classScannerOptions
- Returns:
- The authorizations set on the scanner instance
public void setRange(Range range)
Description copied from interface:Scanner
Sets the range of keys to scan over.
public Range getRange()
Description copied from interface:Scanner
Returns the range of keys to scan over.
public void setBatchSize(int size)
Description copied from interface:Scanner
Sets the number of Key/Value pairs that will be fetched at a time from a tablet server.- Specified by:
in interfaceScanner
- Parameters:
- the number of Key/Value pairs to fetch per call to Accumulo
public int getBatchSize()
Description copied from interface:Scanner
Returns the batch size (number of Key/Value pairs) that will be fetched at a time from a tablet server.- Specified by:
in interfaceScanner
- Returns:
- the batch size configured for this scanner
public void enableIsolation()
Description copied from interface:Scanner
Enables row isolation. Writes that occur to a row after a scan of that row has begun will not be seen if this option is enabled.- Specified by:
in interfaceScanner
public void disableIsolation()
Description copied from interface:Scanner
Disables row isolation. Writes that occur to a row after a scan of that row has begun may be seen if this option is enabled.- Specified by:
in interfaceScanner
public long getReadaheadThreshold()
Description copied from interface:Scanner
The number of batches of Key/Value pairs returned before theScanner
will begin to prefetch the next batch- Specified by:
in interfaceScanner
- Returns:
- Number of batches before read-ahead begins
public void setReadaheadThreshold(long batches)
Description copied from interface:Scanner
Sets the number of batches of Key/Value pairs returned before theScanner
will begin to prefetch the next batch- Specified by:
in interfaceScanner
- Parameters:
- Non-negative number of batches
public void setIteratorSamplerConfiguration(SamplerConfiguration sc)
This is provided for the case where no sampler configuration is set on the scanner, but there is a need to create iterator deep copies that have sampling enabled. If sampler configuration is set on the scanner, then this method does not need to be called inorder to create deep copies with sampling.Setting this differently than the scanners sampler configuration may cause exceptions.
- Since:
- 1.8.0
public void clearIteratorSamplerConfiguration()
Clear any iterator sampler configuration.- Since:
- 1.8.0
public SamplerConfiguration getIteratorSamplerConfiguration()
- Returns:
- currently set iterator sampler configuration.
- Since:
- 1.8.0
public void close()
Description copied from interface:ScannerBase
Closes any underlying connections on the scanner. This may invalidate any iterators derived from the Scanner, causing them to throw exceptions.- Specified by:
in interfaceAutoCloseable
- Specified by:
in interfaceScannerBase
- Overrides:
in classScannerOptions