AgeOffFilter |
A filter that ages off key/value pairs based on the Key's timestamp.
BigDecimalCombiner |
A family of combiners that treat values as BigDecimals, encoding and decoding using the built-in
BigDecimal String input/output functions.
BigDecimalCombiner.BigDecimalEncoder |
Provides the ability to encode scientific notation.
BigDecimalCombiner.BigDecimalMaxCombiner |
BigDecimalCombiner.BigDecimalMinCombiner |
BigDecimalCombiner.BigDecimalSummingCombiner |
CfCqSliceFilter |
Filters key/value pairs for a range of column families and a range of column qualifiers.
CfCqSliceOpts |
CfCqSliceSeekingFilter |
Filters key/value pairs for a range of column families and a range of column qualifiers.
ColumnAgeOffFilter |
A filter that ages off key/value pairs based on the Key's column and timestamp.
ColumnAgeOffFilter.TTLSet |
ColumnSliceFilter |
GrepIterator |
This iterator provides exact string matching.
IndexedDocIterator |
This iterator facilitates document-partitioned indexing.
IntersectingIterator |
This iterator facilitates document-partitioned indexing.
IntersectingIterator.TermSource |
LargeRowFilter |
This iterator suppresses rows that exceed a specified number of columns.
MaxCombiner |
A Combiner that interprets Values as Longs and returns the largest Long among them.
MinCombiner |
A Combiner that interprets Values as Longs and returns the smallest Long among them.
RegExFilter |
A Filter that matches entries based on Java regular expressions.
ReqVisFilter |
A Filter that matches entries with a non-empty ColumnVisibility.
RowDeletingIterator |
An iterator for deleting whole rows.
RowEncodingIterator |
The RowEncodingIterator is designed to provide row-isolation so that queries see mutations as
RowFilter |
This iterator makes it easy to select rows that meet a given criteria.
SeekingFilter |
Base class for filters that can skip over key-value pairs which do not match their filter
SeekingFilter.FilterResult |
SummingArrayCombiner |
A Combiner that interprets Values as arrays of Longs and returns an array of element-wise sums.
SummingArrayCombiner.DOSArrayEncoder<V> |
SummingArrayCombiner.FixedLongArrayEncoder |
SummingArrayCombiner.StringArrayEncoder |
SummingArrayCombiner.VarLongArrayEncoder |
SummingCombiner |
A Combiner that interprets Values as Longs and returns their sum.
TimestampFilter |
A Filter that matches entries whose timestamps fall within a range.
TransformingIterator |
The TransformingIterator allows portions of a key (except for the row) to be transformed.
VersioningIterator |
VisibilityFilter |
A SortedKeyValueIterator that filters based on ColumnVisibility.
WholeColumnFamilyIterator |
The WholeColumnFamilyIterator is designed to provide row/cf-isolation so that queries see
mutations as atomic.
WholeRowIterator |
The WholeRowIterator is designed to provide row-isolation so that queries see mutations as