Package org.apache.accumulo.core.spi.fs
Interface Summary Interface Description VolumeChooser Helper used to select a volume from a set of Volume URIs.VolumeChooserEnvironment -
Class Summary Class Description DelegatingChooser AVolumeChooser
that delegates to another volume chooser based on other properties: table.custom.volume.chooser for tables, and general.custom.volume.chooser.scoped for scopes.PreferredVolumeChooser ARandomVolumeChooser
that selects preferred volumes to use from the provided volume options.RandomVolumeChooser AVolumeChooser
that selects a volume at random from the list of provided volumes.SpaceAwareVolumeChooser APreferredVolumeChooser
that takes remaining HDFS space into account when making a volume choice rather than a simpler round-robin. -
Enum Summary Enum Description VolumeChooserEnvironment.Scope A scope for the volume chooser environment; a TABLE scope should be accompanied by a tableId.