Interface KeyBuilder.ColumnQualifierStep

    • Method Detail

      • qualifier

        KeyBuilder.ColumnVisibilityStep qualifier​(byte[] columnQualifier)
        Set the column qualifier of the Key that this builder will build to the parameter.
        columnQualifier - the column qualifier to use for the Key
        this builder
      • qualifier

        KeyBuilder.ColumnVisibilityStep qualifier​(byte[] columnQualifier,
                                                  int offset,
                                                  int length)
        Set the column qualifier of the Key that this builder will build to the parameter.
        columnQualifier - the column qualifier to use for the Key
        offset - the offset within the array of the first byte to be read; must be non-negative and no larger than row.length
        length - the number of bytes to be read from the given array; must be non-negative and no larger than row.length - offset
        this builder
      • qualifier

        KeyBuilder.ColumnVisibilityStep qualifier​( columnQualifier)
        Set the column qualifier of the Key that this builder will build to the parameter.
        columnQualifier - the column qualifier to use for the Key
        this builder
      • qualifier

        KeyBuilder.ColumnVisibilityStep qualifier​(CharSequence columnQualifier)
        Set the column qualifier of the Key that this builder will build to the parameter.
        columnQualifier - the column qualifier to use for the Key. The encoding must be UTF-8
        this builder