Class Fate<T>

  • public class Fate<T>
    extends Object
    Fault tolerant executor
    • Constructor Detail

      • Fate

        public Fate​(T environment,
                    TStore<T> store,
                    Function<Repo<T>,​String> toLogStrFunc,
                    AccumuloConfiguration conf)
        Creates a Fault-tolerant executor.
        toLogStrFunc - A function that converts Repo to Strings that are suitable for logging
    • Method Detail

      • startTransaction

        public long startTransaction()
      • seedTransaction

        public void seedTransaction​(String txName,
                                    long tid,
                                    Repo<T> repo,
                                    boolean autoCleanUp,
                                    String goalMessage)
      • cancel

        public boolean cancel​(long tid)
        Attempts to cancel a running Fate transaction
        tid - transaction id
        true if transaction transitioned to a failed state or already in a completed state, false otherwise
      • delete

        public void delete​(long tid)
      • getReturn

        public String getReturn​(long tid)
      • getException

        public Exception getException​(long tid)
      • shutdown

        public void shutdown()
        Flags that FATE threadpool to clear out and end. Does not actively stop running FATE processes.