Class RenameMasterDirInZK

  • public class RenameMasterDirInZK
    extends Object
    A utility to handle the renaming of "/masters" to "/managers" in Zookeeper when upgrading from a 2.0 (or earlier) to 2.1 instance. This utility is invoked automatically by SetGoalState (which normally runs first as a part of accumulo startup scripts). However, if a user is not using the standard scripts or wishes to perform the upgrade as a separate process, this utility can be invoked with:
     bin/accumulo org.apache.accumulo.manager.upgrade.RenameMasterDirInZK
    • Constructor Detail

      • RenameMasterDirInZK

        public RenameMasterDirInZK()
    • Method Detail

      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
      • renameMasterDirInZK

        public static boolean renameMasterDirInZK​(ServerContext context)