Interface ProducerCache

    • Method Detail

      • releaseProducer

        void releaseProducer​(Endpoint endpoint,
                             AsyncProducer producer)
        Releases an acquired producer back after usage.
        endpoint - the endpoint
        producer - the producer to release
      • send

        Exchange send​(Endpoint endpoint,
                      Exchange exchange,
                      Processor resultProcessor)
        Sends the exchange to the given endpoint.

        This method will not throw an exception. If processing of the given Exchange failed then the exception is stored on the provided Exchange

        endpoint - the endpoint to send the exchange to
        exchange - the exchange to send
        RejectedExecutionException - is thrown if CamelContext is stopped
      • asyncSendExchange

        CompletableFuture<Exchange> asyncSendExchange​(Endpoint endpoint,
                                                      ExchangePattern pattern,
                                                      Processor processor,
                                                      Processor resultProcessor,
                                                      Exchange exchange,
                                                      CompletableFuture<Exchange> future)
        Asynchronously sends an exchange to an endpoint using a supplied Processor to populate the exchange

        This method will neither throw an exception nor complete future exceptionally. If processing of the given Exchange failed then the exception is stored on the return Exchange

        endpoint - the endpoint to send the exchange to
        pattern - the message ExchangePattern such as ExchangePattern.InOnly or ExchangePattern.InOut
        processor - the transformer used to populate the new exchange
        resultProcessor - a processor to process the exchange when the send is complete.
        exchange - an exchange to use in processing. Exchange will be created if parameter is null.
        future - the preexisting future to complete when processing is done or null if to create new one
        future that completes with exchange when processing is done. Either passed into future parameter or new one if parameter was null
      • getSource

        Object getSource()
        Gets the source which uses this cache
        the source
      • size

        int size()
        Returns the current size of the cache
        the current size
      • getCapacity

        int getCapacity()
        Gets the maximum cache size (capacity).
        the capacity
      • purge

        void purge()
        Purges this cache
      • cleanUp

        void cleanUp()
        Cleanup the cache (purging stale entries)
      • isEventNotifierEnabled

        boolean isEventNotifierEnabled()
        Whether EventNotifier is enabled
      • setEventNotifierEnabled

        void setEventNotifierEnabled​(boolean eventNotifierEnabled)
        Sets whether EventNotifier is enabled
      • doInAsyncProducer

        boolean doInAsyncProducer​(Endpoint endpoint,
                                  Exchange exchange,
                                  AsyncCallback callback,
                                  ProducerCache.AsyncProducerCallback producerCallback)
        Sends an exchange to an endpoint using a supplied callback supporting the asynchronous routing engine.

        If an exception was thrown during processing, it would be set on the given Exchange

        endpoint - the endpoint to send the exchange to
        exchange - the exchange, can be null if so then create a new exchange from the producer
        callback - the asynchronous callback
        producerCallback - the producer template callback to be executed
        (doneSync) true to continue execute synchronously, false to continue being executed asynchronously