Interface ReactiveExecutor

  • public interface ReactiveExecutor
    SPI to plugin different reactive engines in the Camel routing engine.
    • Method Detail

      • schedule

        void schedule​(Runnable runnable)
        Schedules the task to be run (fairly)
        runnable - the task
      • scheduleMain

        void scheduleMain​(Runnable runnable)
        Schedules the task to be prioritized and run asap
        runnable - the task
      • scheduleSync

        void scheduleSync​(Runnable runnable)
        Schedules the task to run synchronously (current thread)
        runnable - the task
      • scheduleQueue

        void scheduleQueue​(Runnable runnable)
        Schedules the task to be run later from the queue (current thread) This is used for routing Exchange using transactions.
        runnable - the task
      • executeFromQueue

        boolean executeFromQueue()
        Executes the next task (if supported by the reactive executor implementation)
        true if a task was executed or false if no more pending tasks
      • setStatisticsEnabled

        void setStatisticsEnabled​(boolean statisticsEnabled)
        To enable statistics
      • isStatisticsEnabled

        boolean isStatisticsEnabled()
        Whether statistics is enabled