Interface ExtendedRoutesBuilderLoader

    • Method Detail

      • getCompileDirectory

        String getCompileDirectory()
      • setCompileDirectory

        void setCompileDirectory​(String compileDirectory)
        Directory to use for saving runtime compiled Camel routes to class files, when using camel-java-joor-dsl as Java DSL (such as when using Camel K with Java source routes). Camel will compile to in-memory only by default. Specifying this option, allows Camel to persist the compiled class to disk. And when starting the application again the routes are loaded from the pre-compiled class files instead of re-compiling again.
      • isCompileLoadFirst

        boolean isCompileLoadFirst()
      • setCompileLoadFirst

        void setCompileLoadFirst​(boolean compileLoadFirst)
        Whether to load preexisting compiled Camel routes class files, when using camel-java-joor-dsl as Java DSL (such as when using Camel K with Java source routes). If enabled then Camel will look in the routes compile directory if a compiled Java route already exists and load its bytecode instead of runtime compiling from its java source file.