Interface LoadablePropertiesSource

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface LoadablePropertiesSource
    extends PropertiesSource
    A source for properties that can be loaded all at once during initialization, such as loading .properties files.

    A source can implement Ordered to control the ordering of which sources are used by the Camel properties component. The source with the highest precedence (the lowest number) will be used first.

    • Method Detail

      • loadProperties

        Properties loadProperties()
        Loads the properties from the source
        the loaded properties
      • loadProperties

        Properties loadProperties​(Predicate<String> filter)
        Loads the properties from the source filtering them out according to a predicate.
        filter - the predicate used to filter out properties based on the key.
        the properties loaded.
      • reloadProperties

        void reloadProperties​(String location)
        Re-loads the properties from the file location
        location - the location of the properties