Interface BeanProcessorFactory

  • public interface BeanProcessorFactory
    Factory for creating a Processor that can invoke a method on a bean and supporting using Camel bean parameter bindings.

    This requires to have camel-bean on the classpath.

    • Method Detail

      • createBeanProcessor

        Processor createBeanProcessor​(CamelContext camelContext,
                                      Object bean,
                                      Method method)
                               throws Exception
        Creates the bean processor from the existing bean instance
        camelContext - the camel context
        bean - the bean
        method - the method to invoke
        the created processor
        Exception - is thrown if error creating the processor
      • createBeanProcessor

        Processor createBeanProcessor​(CamelContext camelContext,
                                      Object bean,
                                      String beanType,
                                      Class<?> beanClass,
                                      String ref,
                                      String method,
                                      BeanScope scope)
                               throws Exception
        Creates the bean processor from a given set of parameters that can refer to the bean via an existing bean, a reference to a bean, or its class name etc.
        camelContext - the camel context
        bean - the bean instance
        beanType - or the bean class name
        beanClass - or the bean class
        ref - or bean reference to lookup the bean from the registry
        method - optional name of method to invoke
        scope - the scope of the bean
        the created processor
        Exception - is thrown if error creating the processor