Interface PropertiesComponent

  • All Superinterfaces:
    AutoCloseable, Service, StaticService

    public interface PropertiesComponent
    extends StaticService
    Component for property placeholders and loading properties from sources (such as .properties file from classpath or file system)
    • Method Detail

      • parseUri

        String parseUri​(String uri)
        Parses the input text and resolve all property placeholders from within the text.
        uri - input text
        text with resolved property placeholders
        IllegalArgumentException - is thrown if error during parsing
      • parseUri

        String parseUri​(String uri,
                        boolean keepUnresolvedOptional)
        Parses the input text and resolve all property placeholders from within the text.
        uri - input text
        keepUnresolvedOptional - whether to keep placeholders that are optional and was unresolved
        text with resolved property placeholders
        IllegalArgumentException - is thrown if error during parsing
      • resolveProperty

        Optional<String> resolveProperty​(String key)
        Looks up the property with the given key
        key - the name of the property
        the property value if present
      • loadProperties

        Properties loadProperties()
        Loads the properties from the default locations and sources.
        the properties loaded.
      • loadPropertiesAsMap

        default Map<String,​Object> loadPropertiesAsMap()
        Loads the properties from the default locations and sources.
        a Map representing the properties loaded.
      • loadProperties

        Properties loadProperties​(Predicate<String> filter)
        Loads the properties from the default locations and sources filtering them out according to a predicate.
         PropertiesComponent pc = getPropertiesComponent();
         Properties props = pc.loadProperties(key -> key.startsWith("camel.component.seda"));
        filter - the predicate used to filter out properties based on the key.
        the properties loaded.
      • loadProperties

        Properties loadProperties​(Predicate<String> filter,
                                  Function<String,​String> keyMapper)
        Loads the properties from the default locations and sources filtering them out according to a predicate, and maps the key using the key mapper.
         PropertiesComponent pc = getPropertiesComponent();
         Properties props = pc.loadProperties(key -> key.startsWith("camel.component.seda"), StringHelper::dashToCamelCase);
        filter - the predicate used to filter out properties based on the key.
        keyMapper - to map keys
        the properties loaded.
      • loadPropertiesAsMap

        default Map<String,​Object> loadPropertiesAsMap​(Predicate<String> filter)
        Loads the properties from the default locations and sources filtering them out according to a predicate.
         PropertiesComponent pc = getPropertiesComponent();
         Map props = pc.loadPropertiesAsMap(key -> key.startsWith("camel.component.seda"));
        filter - the predicate used to filter out properties based on the key.
        a Map representing the properties loaded.
      • getLocations

        List<String> getLocations()
        Gets the configured properties locations. This may be empty if the properties component has only been configured with PropertiesSource.
      • setLocation

        void setLocation​(String location)
        A list of locations to load properties. You can use comma to separate multiple locations. This option will override any default locations and only use the locations from this option.
      • addLocation

        void addLocation​(String location)
        Adds the list of locations to the current locations, where to load properties. You can use comma to separate multiple locations.
      • addPropertiesSource

        void addPropertiesSource​(PropertiesSource propertiesSource)
        Adds a custom PropertiesSource to use as source for loading and/or looking up property values.
      • getPropertiesSource

        PropertiesSource getPropertiesSource​(String name)
        Gets the custom PropertiesSource by the name
        name - the name of the source
        the source, or null if no source exists
      • getPropertiesFunction

        PropertiesFunction getPropertiesFunction​(String name)
        Gets the PropertiesFunction by the given name
        name - the function name
        the function or null if no function exists
      • hasPropertiesFunction

        boolean hasPropertiesFunction​(String name)
        Is there a PropertiesFunction with the given name?
      • setIgnoreMissingLocation

        void setIgnoreMissingLocation​(boolean ignoreMissingLocation)
        Whether to silently ignore if a location cannot be located, such as a properties file not found.
      • setNestedPlaceholder

        void setNestedPlaceholder​(boolean nestedPlaceholder)
        Whether to support nested property placeholders. A nested placeholder, means that a placeholder, has also a placeholder, that should be resolved (recursively).
      • setInitialProperties

        void setInitialProperties​(Properties initialProperties)
        Sets initial properties which will be added before any property locations are loaded.
      • addInitialProperty

        void addInitialProperty​(String key,
                                String value)
        Adds an initial property which will be added before any property locations are loaded.
        key - the key
        value - the value
      • setOverrideProperties

        void setOverrideProperties​(Properties overrideProperties)
        Sets a special list of override properties that take precedence and will use first, if a property exist.
      • addOverrideProperty

        void addOverrideProperty​(String key,
                                 String value)
        Adds a special override property that take precedence and will use first, if a property exist.
        key - the key
        value - the value
      • setLocalProperties

        void setLocalProperties​(Properties localProperties)
        Sets a special list of local properties (ie thread local) that take precedence and will use first, if a property exist.
      • getLocalProperties

        Properties getLocalProperties()
        Gets a list of properties that are local for the current thread only (ie thread local), or null if not currently in use.
      • getLocalPropertiesAsMap

        default Map<String,​Object> getLocalPropertiesAsMap()
        Gets a list of properties that are local for the current thread only (ie thread local), or null if not currently in use.
        a Map representing the local properties, or null if not currently in use.
      • setEncoding

        void setEncoding​(String encoding)
        Encoding to use when loading properties file from the file system or classpath.

        If no encoding has been set, then the properties files is loaded using ISO-8859-1 encoding (latin-1) as documented by Properties.load(

        Important you must set encoding before setting locations.

      • reloadProperties

        boolean reloadProperties​(String pattern)
        Reload properties from the given location patterns.
        pattern - patterns, or null to reload from all known locations
        true if some properties was reloaded
      • keepOnlyChangeProperties

        void keepOnlyChangeProperties​(Properties properties)
        Filters the given list of properties, by removing properties that are already loaded and have same key and value. If all properties are not changed then the properties will become empty.
        properties - the given properties to filter.