Interface Resumable

public interface Resumable
This provides an interface for resumable objects. Such objects allow its users to address them at a specific offset. For example, when reading large files, it may be possible to inform the last offset that was read, thus allowing users of this interface to skip to that offset. This can potentially improve resumable operations by allowing reprocessing of data.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets the last offset
    Gets the offset key (i.e.: the addressable part of the resumable object)
  • Method Details

    • getOffsetKey

      OffsetKey<?> getOffsetKey()
      Gets the offset key (i.e.: the addressable part of the resumable object)
      An OffsetKey instance with the addressable part of the object. May return null or an EmptyOffset depending on the type of the resumable
    • getLastOffset

      Offset<?> getLastOffset()
      Gets the last offset
      the last offset value according to the interface and type implemented