Interface BacklogTracerEventMessage

public interface BacklogTracerEventMessage
Represents a traced message by the BacklogTracer.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final String
    static final String
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The event message as an org.apache.camel.util.json.JsonObject object.
    Time elapsed for processing the given node (in millis).
    The endpoint uri if this trace is either from a route input (from), or the exchange was sent to an endpoint such as (to, toD, wireTap) etc.
    The exception as JSon (exception type, message and stacktrace)
    The exception as XML (exception type, message and stacktrace)
    The exchange id
    The location of the trace (source code name:line) if possible.
    The content of the message as JSon (body and headers)
    The content of the message as XML (body and headers)
    The name of the thread that is processing the message, when this event was captured.
    Route id
    Timestamp of the traced event
    Node id where the message is being routed to
    Unique id of the traced message
    Was there an exception thrown during processing
    Whether the message is done processing the given node
    Did the message fail during processing (i.e.
    Whether this is a new incoming message and this is the first trace.
    Whether this is the last trace of the message (its complete).
    Whether this event was from a route that is created from Rest DSL.
    Whether this event was from a route that is created from route template or kamelet.
    toJSon(int indent)
    Dumps the event message as JSon.
    toXml(int indent)
    Dumps the event message as XML using the ROOT_TAG as root tag.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getUid

      long getUid()
      Unique id of the traced message
    • isFirst

      boolean isFirst()
      Whether this is a new incoming message and this is the first trace.
    • isLast

      boolean isLast()
      Whether this is the last trace of the message (its complete).
    • getTimestamp

      long getTimestamp()
      Timestamp of the traced event
    • getLocation

      String getLocation()
      The location of the trace (source code name:line) if possible.
    • getRouteId

      String getRouteId()
      Route id
    • isRest

      boolean isRest()
      Whether this event was from a route that is created from Rest DSL.
    • isTemplate

      boolean isTemplate()
      Whether this event was from a route that is created from route template or kamelet.
    • getToNode

      String getToNode()
      Node id where the message is being routed to
    • getExchangeId

      String getExchangeId()
      The exchange id
    • getProcessingThreadName

      String getProcessingThreadName()
      The name of the thread that is processing the message, when this event was captured.
    • getMessageAsXml

      String getMessageAsXml()
      The content of the message as XML (body and headers)
    • getMessageAsJSon

      String getMessageAsJSon()
      The content of the message as JSon (body and headers)
    • getElapsed

      long getElapsed()
      Time elapsed for processing the given node (in millis).
    • isDone

      boolean isDone()
      Whether the message is done processing the given node
    • isFailed

      boolean isFailed()
      Did the message fail during processing (i.e. was an exception thrown)
    • hasException

      boolean hasException()
      Was there an exception thrown during processing
    • getExceptionAsXml

      String getExceptionAsXml()
      The exception as XML (exception type, message and stacktrace)
    • getExceptionAsJSon

      String getExceptionAsJSon()
      The exception as JSon (exception type, message and stacktrace)
    • getEndpointUri

      String getEndpointUri()
      The endpoint uri if this trace is either from a route input (from), or the exchange was sent to an endpoint such as (to, toD, wireTap) etc.
    • toXml

      String toXml(int indent)
      Dumps the event message as XML using the ROOT_TAG as root tag.

      The timestamp tag is formatted in the format defined by TIMESTAMP_FORMAT

      indent - number of spaces to indent
      xml representation of this event
    • toJSon

      String toJSon(int indent)
      Dumps the event message as JSon.
      indent - number of spaces to indent
      JSon representation of this event
    • asJSon

      Map<String,Object> asJSon()
      The event message as an org.apache.camel.util.json.JsonObject object.