Interface RuntimeEndpointRegistry.Statistic

Enclosing interface:

public static interface RuntimeEndpointRegistry.Statistic
Statistics gathered about the endpoint.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Whether the endpoint is used as input our output
    Usage of the endpoint, such as how many messages it has received / sent to
    The route id (if the endpoint is associated with a route)
    The endpoint uri
  • Method Details

    • getUri

      String getUri()
      The endpoint uri
    • getRouteId

      String getRouteId()
      The route id (if the endpoint is associated with a route)
    • getDirection

      String getDirection()
      Whether the endpoint is used as input our output

      The returned value can either be in or out

    • getHits

      long getHits()
      Usage of the endpoint, such as how many messages it has received / sent to

      This information is only available if ManagementStatisticsLevel is configured as ManagementStatisticsLevel.Extended.