Interface InvokeOnHeaderStrategy

public interface InvokeOnHeaderStrategy
Pluggable strategy for invoking InvokeOnHeader.

Camel provides source code generated strategies via the camel maven tooling.

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    invoke(Object target, String key, Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
    Invoke the method based on the header key
  • Method Details

    • invoke

      Object invoke(Object target, String key, Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback) throws Exception
      Invoke the method based on the header key
      target - the target such as a producer extending HeaderSelectorProducer
      key - the header key
      exchange - the exchange
      callback - the async callback
      option response from invoking the method, or null if the method is void if a value is returned, then this value is stored as result on the message body.
      Exception - is thrown if error invoking the method.