Class AzureVaultConfiguration


public class AzureVaultConfiguration extends VaultConfiguration
Configuration for access to Azure Key Vault.
  • Constructor Details

    • AzureVaultConfiguration

      public AzureVaultConfiguration()
  • Method Details

    • getVaultName

      public String getVaultName()
    • setVaultName

      public void setVaultName(String vaultName)
      The vault Name in Azure Key Vault
    • getClientId

      public String getClientId()
    • setClientId

      public void setClientId(String clientId)
      The client Id for accessing Azure Key Vault
    • getClientSecret

      public String getClientSecret()
    • setClientSecret

      public void setClientSecret(String clientSecret)
      The client Secret for accessing Azure Key Vault
    • getTenantId

      public String getTenantId()
    • setTenantId

      public void setTenantId(String tenantId)
      The Tenant Id for accessing Azure Key Vault
    • isAzureIdentityEnabled

      public boolean isAzureIdentityEnabled()
    • setAzureIdentityEnabled

      public void setAzureIdentityEnabled(boolean azureIdentityEnabled)
      Whether the Azure Identity Authentication should be used or not.
    • isRefreshEnabled

      public boolean isRefreshEnabled()
    • setRefreshEnabled

      public void setRefreshEnabled(boolean refreshEnabled)
      Whether to automatically reload Camel upon secrets being updated in Azure.
    • getRefreshPeriod

      public long getRefreshPeriod()
    • setRefreshPeriod

      public void setRefreshPeriod(long refreshPeriod)
      The period (millis) between checking Azure for updated secrets.
    • getSecrets

      public String getSecrets()
    • setSecrets

      public void setSecrets(String secrets)
      Specify the secret names (or pattern) to check for updates. Multiple secrets can be separated by comma.
    • getEventhubConnectionString

      public String getEventhubConnectionString()
    • setEventhubConnectionString

      public void setEventhubConnectionString(String eventhubConnectionString)
      The Eventhubs connection String for Key Vault Secret events notifications
    • getBlobAccessKey

      public String getBlobAccessKey()
    • setBlobAccessKey

      public void setBlobAccessKey(String blobAccessKey)
      The Eventhubs Blob Access Key for CheckpointStore purpose
    • getBlobAccountName

      public String getBlobAccountName()
    • setBlobAccountName

      public void setBlobAccountName(String blobAccountName)
      The Eventhubs Blob Account Name for CheckpointStore purpose
    • getBlobContainerName

      public String getBlobContainerName()
    • setBlobContainerName

      public void setBlobContainerName(String blobContainerName)
      The Eventhubs Blob Container Name for CheckpointStore purpose