Class BeanHelper

  • public final class BeanHelper
    extends Object
    Helper for the bean component.
    • Method Detail

      • getValidParameterType

        public static Class<?> getValidParameterType​(String value)
        Determines and maps the given value is valid according to the supported values by the bean component.
        value - the value
        the parameter type the given value is being mapped as, or null if not valid.
      • isValidParameterValue

        public static boolean isValidParameterValue​(String value)
        Determines if the given value is valid according to the supported values by the bean component.
        value - the value
        true if valid, false otherwise
      • isAssignableToExpectedType

        public static Boolean isAssignableToExpectedType​(org.apache.camel.spi.ClassResolver resolver,
                                                         String parameterType,
                                                         Class<?> expectedType)
        Determines if the given parameter type is assignable to the expected type.

        This implementation will check if the given parameter type matches the expected type as class using either

        • FQN class name -
        • Simple class name - MyOrder
        If the given parameter type is not a class, then null is returned
        resolver - the class resolver
        parameterType - the parameter type as a String, can be a FQN or a simple name of the class
        expectedType - the expected type
        null if parameter type is not a class, true if parameter type is assignable, false if not assignable