Annotation Interface CsvRecord

@Documented @Retention(RUNTIME) public @interface CsvRecord
This annotation represents the root class of the model. When a CSV, fixed-length record must be described in the model we will use this annotation and the separator (for csv record) to know how to split the data during the unmarshal process The separator (mandatory) The name is optional and could be used in the future to bind a property which a different name The skipfirstline (optional) allows to skip the first line of the file/content received The generateHeaderColumnNames (optional) allow to add in the CSV generated the header containing names of the columns The crlf (optional) is used to add a new line after a record. By default, the value is WINDOWS The isOrdered (optional) boolean is used to ordered the message generated in output
  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    Separator used to split a record in tokens (mandatory) - can be ',' or ';' or 'anything'.
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    The allowEmptyStream parameter will allow to prcoess the unavaiable stream for CSV file.
    Last record spans rest of line (optional) - if enabled then the last column is auto spanned to end of line, for example if its a comment, etc this allows the line to contain all characters, also the delimiter char.
    Character to be used to add a carriage return after each record (optional) - allow to define the carriage return character to use.
    The endWithLineBreak parameter flags if the CSV file should end with a line break or not (optional)
    The generateHeaderColumns parameter allow to add in the CSV generated the header containing names of the columns
    Indicates if the message must be ordered in output
    Name describing the record (optional)
    Whether to marshal columns with the given quote character (optional) - allow to specify a quote character of the fields when CSV is generated.
    Indicate if the values (and headers) must be quoted when marshaling (optional)
    Indicate if the values must be escaped when quoting (optional)
    The remove quotes parameter flags if unmarshalling should try to remove quotes for each field
    The skipField parameter will allow to skip fields of a CSV file.
    The skipFirstLine parameter will allow to skip or not the first line of a CSV file.
  • Element Details

    • separator

      String separator
      Separator used to split a record in tokens (mandatory) - can be ',' or ';' or 'anything'. The only whitespace character supported is tab (\t). No other whitespace characters (spaces) are not supported. This value is interpreted as a regular expression. If you want to use a sign which has a special meaning in regular expressions, e.g. the '\|' sign, then you have to mask it, like '\|'
    • name

      String name
      Name describing the record (optional)
    • skipFirstLine

      boolean skipFirstLine
      The skipFirstLine parameter will allow to skip or not the first line of a CSV file. This line often contains columns definition
    • skipField

      boolean skipField
      The skipField parameter will allow to skip fields of a CSV file. If some fields are not necessary, they can be skipped.
    • crlf

      String crlf
      Character to be used to add a carriage return after each record (optional) - allow to define the carriage return character to use. If you specify a value other than the three listed before, the value you enter (custom) will be used as the CRLF character(s). Three values can be used : WINDOWS, UNIX, MAC, or custom.
    • generateHeaderColumns

      boolean generateHeaderColumns
      The generateHeaderColumns parameter allow to add in the CSV generated the header containing names of the columns
    • isOrdered

      boolean isOrdered
      Indicates if the message must be ordered in output
    • quote

      String quote
      Whether to marshal columns with the given quote character (optional) - allow to specify a quote character of the fields when CSV is generated. This annotation is associated to the root class of the model and must be declared one time.
    • quoting

      boolean quoting
      Indicate if the values (and headers) must be quoted when marshaling (optional)
    • quotingEscaped

      boolean quotingEscaped
      Indicate if the values must be escaped when quoting (optional)
    • autospanLine

      boolean autospanLine
      Last record spans rest of line (optional) - if enabled then the last column is auto spanned to end of line, for example if its a comment, etc this allows the line to contain all characters, also the delimiter char.
    • allowEmptyStream

      boolean allowEmptyStream
      The allowEmptyStream parameter will allow to prcoess the unavaiable stream for CSV file.
    • endWithLineBreak

      boolean endWithLineBreak
      The endWithLineBreak parameter flags if the CSV file should end with a line break or not (optional)
    • removeQuotes

      boolean removeQuotes
      The remove quotes parameter flags if unmarshalling should try to remove quotes for each field