All Classes and Interfaces

Annotation based loader for model classes with Bindy annotations.
The BindyAbstractFactory implements what its common to all the formats supported by Camel Bindy
An annotation used to identify which converter class will be used to convert the String field to the attribute's data type.
Marshal and unmarshal between POJOs and Comma separated values (CSV) format using Camel Bindy
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The BindyCsvFactory is the class who allows to : Generate a model associated to a CSV record, bind data from a record to the POJOs, export data of POJOs to a CSV record and format data into String, Date, Double, ...
The bindy factory is a factory used to create the POJO models and bind or unbind the data to and from the record (CSV, ...)
Marshal and unmarshal between POJOs and fixed field length format using Camel Bindy
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The BindyFixedLengthFactory is the class who allows to : Generate a model associated to a fixed length record, bind data from a record to the POJOs, export data of POJOs to a fixed length record and format data into String, Date, Double, ...
Marshal and unmarshal between POJOs and key-value pair (KVP) format using Camel Bindy
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The BindyKeyValuePairFactory is the class who allows to bind data of type key value pair.
To help return the char associated to the unicode string
This annotation represents the root class of the model.
An annotation used to identify in a POJO which property is link to a field of a record (csv, ...).
This class manages all FormatFactoryInterfaces.
This annotation represents the root class of the model.
Format allows to format object to and from string received using format or parse method
Factory to return Format classes for a given type.
An annotation used to identify in a POJO which property is link to a key value pair field The tag (mandatory) identifies the key of the key value pair (e.g.
This annotation allows to link classes together in the model.
Enumeration of link types
This annotation represents the root class of the model.
The PatternFormat extends the format interface and allows to retrieve the pattern linked to a format (Date, Double, ...)
This annotation allows to define during the marshaling process how a message must be reconstruct
This class replicates the essential parts of the String class in order to aid proper work for Unicode chars in the presense of UTF-16.
Defines how length if a string is defined, i.e how chars are counted.
A RuntimeException which wraps a checked exception.