Interface VersionManager

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface VersionManager
    Strategy to manage and load Camel versions the catalog uses.
    • Method Detail

      • setClassLoader

        void setClassLoader​(ClassLoader classLoader)
        Sets an extra class loader to use first for loading resources.
      • getClassLoader

        ClassLoader getClassLoader()
        Gets the class loader that is able to load classes and resources from the catalog.
      • getLoadedVersion

        String getLoadedVersion()
        Gets the current loaded Camel version used by the catalog.
      • loadVersion

        boolean loadVersion​(String version)
        Attempt to load the Camel version to be used by the catalog.

        Loading the camel-catalog JAR of the given version of choice may require internet access to download the JAR from Maven central. You can pre download the JAR and install in a local Maven repository to avoid internet access for offline environments.

        version - the Camel version such as 2.17.1
        true if the version was loaded, false if not.
      • getRuntimeProviderLoadedVersion

        String getRuntimeProviderLoadedVersion()
        Gets the current loaded runtime provider version used by the catalog.
      • loadRuntimeProviderVersion

        boolean loadRuntimeProviderVersion​(String groupId,
                                           String artifactId,
                                           String version)
        Attempt to load the runtime provider version to be used by the catalog.

        Loading the runtime provider JAR of the given version of choice may require internet access to download the JAR from Maven central. You can pre download the JAR and install in a local Maven repository to avoid internet access for offline environments.

        groupId - the runtime provider Maven groupId
        artifactId - the runtime provider Maven artifactId
        version - the runtime provider Maven version
        true if the version was loaded, false if not.
      • getResourceAsStream

        InputStream getResourceAsStream​(String name)
        Returns an input stream for reading the specified resource from the loaded Catalog version.
        name - the resource name
        the stream if found, or null if not found.