Class ExpressionNodeHelper

    • Method Detail

      • toExpressionDefinition

        public static ExpressionDefinition toExpressionDefinition​(org.apache.camel.Expression expression)
        Determines which ExpressionDefinition describes the given expression in the best possible way.

        This implementation will use types such as SimpleExpression, XPathExpression etc. if the given expression is detected as such a type.

        expression - the expression
        a definition which describes the expression
      • toExpressionDefinition

        public static ExpressionDefinition toExpressionDefinition​(org.apache.camel.Predicate predicate)
        Determines which ExpressionDefinition describes the given predicate in the best possible way.

        This implementation will use types such as SimpleExpression, XPathExpression etc. if the given predicate is detect as such a type.

        predicate - the predicate
        a definition which describes the predicate