Class JoorExpression

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    org.apache.camel.Expression, org.apache.camel.ExpressionFactory, HasExpressionType, org.apache.camel.Predicate, org.apache.camel.PredicateFactory, org.apache.camel.spi.ExpressionFactoryAware, org.apache.camel.spi.PredicateFactoryAware

    public class JoorExpression
    extends ExpressionDefinition
    Evaluates a jOOR (Java compiled once at runtime) expression.
    • Constructor Detail

      • JoorExpression

        public JoorExpression()
      • JoorExpression

        public JoorExpression​(String expression)
    • Method Detail

      • getPreCompile

        public String getPreCompile()
      • setPreCompile

        public void setPreCompile​(String preCompile)
        Whether the expression should be pre compiled once during initialization phase. If this is turned off, then the expression is reloaded and compiled on each evaluation.
      • getSingleQuotes

        public String getSingleQuotes()
      • setSingleQuotes

        public void setSingleQuotes​(String singleQuotes)
        Whether single quotes can be used as replacement for double quotes. This is convenient when you need to work with strings inside strings.
      • getResultType

        public Class<?> getResultType()
      • setResultType

        public void setResultType​(Class<?> resultType)
        Sets the class of the result type (type from output)
      • getResultTypeName

        public String getResultTypeName()
      • setResultTypeName

        public void setResultTypeName​(String resultTypeName)
        Sets the class name of the result type (type from output)