Class AdviceWith

  • public final class AdviceWith
    extends Object
    Use this for using the advice with feature. Allows you to advice or enhance an existing route using a RouteBuilder style. For example you can add interceptors to intercept sending outgoing messages to assert those messages are as expected.
    • Method Detail

      • adviceWith

        public static RouteDefinition adviceWith​(org.apache.camel.CamelContext camelContext,
                                                 Object routeId,
                                                 org.apache.camel.util.function.ThrowingConsumer<AdviceWithRouteBuilder,​Exception> builder)
                                          throws Exception
        Advices this route with the route builder using a lambda expression. It can be used as following:
         AdviceWith.adviceWith(context, "myRoute", a -> a.weaveAddLast().to("mock:result"));

        Important: It is recommended to only advice a given route once (you can of course advice multiple routes). If you do it multiple times, then it may not work as expected, especially when any kind of error handling is involved.

        The advice process will add the interceptors, on exceptions, on completions etc. configured from the route builder to this route.

        This is mostly used for testing purpose to add interceptors and the likes to an existing route.

        Will stop and remove the old route from camel context and add and start this new advised route.

        camelContext - the camel context
        routeId - either the route id as a string value, or null to chose the 1st route, or you can specify a number for the n'th route, or provide the route definition instance directly as well.
        builder - the advice with route builder
        a new route which is this route merged with the route builder
        Exception - can be thrown from the route builder
      • adviceWith

        public static RouteDefinition adviceWith​(org.apache.camel.CamelContext camelContext,
                                                 Object routeId,
                                                 boolean logXml,
                                                 org.apache.camel.util.function.ThrowingConsumer<AdviceWithRouteBuilder,​Exception> builder)
                                          throws Exception
        Advices this route with the route builder using a lambda expression. It can be used as following:
         AdviceWith.adviceWith(context, "myRoute", false, a -> a.weaveAddLast().to("mock:result"));

        Important: It is recommended to only advice a given route once (you can of course advice multiple routes). If you do it multiple times, then it may not work as expected, especially when any kind of error handling is involved.

        The advice process will add the interceptors, on exceptions, on completions etc. configured from the route builder to this route.

        This is mostly used for testing purpose to add interceptors and the likes to an existing route.

        Will stop and remove the old route from camel context and add and start this new advised route.

        camelContext - the camel context
        routeId - either the route id as a string value, or null to chose the 1st route, or you can specify a number for the n'th route, or provide the route definition instance directly as well.
        logXml - whether to log the before and after advices routes as XML to the log (this can be turned off to perform faster)
        builder - the advice with route builder
        a new route which is this route merged with the route builder
        Exception - can be thrown from the route builder
      • adviceWith

        public static RouteDefinition adviceWith​(Object routeId,
                                                 org.apache.camel.CamelContext camelContext,
                                                 RouteBuilder builder)
                                          throws Exception
        Advices this route with the route builder.

        Important: It is recommended to only advice a given route once (you can of course advice multiple routes). If you do it multiple times, then it may not work as expected, especially when any kind of error handling is involved. The Camel team plan for Camel 3.0 to support this as internal refactorings in the routing engine is needed to support this properly.

        You can use a regular RouteBuilder but the specialized AdviceWithRouteBuilder has additional features when using the advice with feature. We therefore suggest you to use the AdviceWithRouteBuilder.

        The advice process will add the interceptors, on exceptions, on completions etc. configured from the route builder to this route.

        This is mostly used for testing purpose to add interceptors and the likes to an existing route.

        Will stop and remove the old route from camel context and add and start this new advised route.

        routeId - either the route id as a string value, or null to chose the 1st route, or you can specify a number for the n'th route, or provide the route definition instance directly as well.
        camelContext - the camel context
        builder - the route builder
        a new route which is this route merged with the route builder
        Exception - can be thrown from the route builder
        See Also:
      • adviceWith

        public static RouteDefinition adviceWith​(RouteDefinition definition,
                                                 org.apache.camel.CamelContext camelContext,
                                                 RouteBuilder builder)
                                          throws Exception
        Advices this route with the route builder.

        Important: It is recommended to only advice a given route once (you can of course advice multiple routes). If you do it multiple times, then it may not work as expected, especially when any kind of error handling is involved. The Camel team plan for Camel 3.0 to support this as internal refactorings in the routing engine is needed to support this properly.

        You can use a regular RouteBuilder but the specialized AdviceWithRouteBuilder has additional features when using the advice with feature. We therefore suggest you to use the AdviceWithRouteBuilder.

        The advice process will add the interceptors, on exceptions, on completions etc. configured from the route builder to this route.

        This is mostly used for testing purpose to add interceptors and the likes to an existing route.

        Will stop and remove the old route from camel context and add and start this new advised route.

        definition - the model definition
        camelContext - the camel context
        builder - the route builder
        a new route which is this route merged with the route builder
        Exception - can be thrown from the route builder
        See Also: