All Classes and Interfaces

Use this for using the advice with feature.
A builder when using the advice with feature.
Temporary model used internally by advice-with
A RouteBuilder which has extended capabilities when using the advice with feature.
Task or command being executed when using the advice with feature.
AdviceWithTask tasks which are used by the AdviceWithRouteBuilder.
Aggregates many messages into a single message
Toolbox class to create commonly used Aggregation Strategies in a fluent manner.
Enables definitions to support AggregationStrategy
Rest security basic auth definition
Encode and decode data structures using Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1).
Builder is a specific builder for ASN1DataFormat.
Serialize and deserialize messages using Apache Avro binary data format.
Builder is a specific builder for AvroDataFormat.
Supported Avro marshallers.
Transform strings to various 1D/2D barcode bitmap formats and back.
Builder is a specific builder for BarcodeDataFormat.
Encode and decode data using Base64.
Builder is a specific builder for Base64DataFormat.
Rest security basic auth definition
Configures batch-processing resequence eip.
Calls a Java bean
Base class for nodes that define a bean factory.
Rest security bearer token authentication definition
Marshal and unmarshal Java beans from and to flat payloads (such as CSV, delimited, fixed length formats, or FIX messages).
Builder is a specific builder for BindyDataFormat.
Represents the different types of Bindy data formats.
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Interface to add block featuring to the XML element type.
A helper class for including portions of the expression and predicate Java DSL
Base class for implementation inheritance for different clauses in the Java DSL
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Catches exceptions as part of a try, catch, finally block
Unmarshal a CBOR payload to POJO and back.
Builder is a specific builder for CBORDataFormat.
Route messages based on a series of predicates
Route messages in a fault tolerance way using Circuit Breaker
The Claim Check EIP allows you to replace message content with a claim check (a unique key), which can be used to retrieve the message content at a later time.
Operations for the Claim Check EIP.
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A fixed value set only once during the route startup.
Builder is a specific builder for ConstantExpression.
Various constants.
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Data format that is capable of using content type header.
Scans for Java RouteBuilder instances in the context Registry.
Converts the message body to another type
Encrypt and decrypt messages using Java Cryptography Extension (JCE).
Builder is a specific builder for CryptoDataFormat.
Evaluate a compiled simple expression.
Builder is a specific builder for CSimpleExpression.
Handle CSV (Comma Separated Values) payloads.
Builder is a specific builder for CsvDataFormat.
Delegate to a custom DataFormat implementation via Camel registry.
Builder is a specific builder for CustomDataFormat.
To use a custom load balancer implementation.
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Represents a CustomTransformer.
Represents a CustomValidator.
DataFormatBuilder defines the contract of a data format builder.
DataFormatBuilderFactory is a factory class of builder of all supported data formats.
An expression for constructing the different possible DataFormat options.
DataFormat operations.
Represents a Camel data format
Marker interface to mark a ProcessorDefinition that supports data formats.
Configure data formats.
Represents a DataFormatTransformer which leverages DataFormat to perform transformation.
To use DataSonnet scripts for message transformations.
Builder is a specific builder for DatasonnetExpression.
Dead letter channel error handler as a builder.
Error handler with dead letter queue.
Default error handler as a builder.
The default error handler.
Default RouteTemplateContext.
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Delays processing for a specified length of time
Rest DELETE command
To provide comments about the node.
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Route messages based on dynamic rules
Type-safe endpoint DSL for building consumer endpoints.
Type-safe endpoint DSL for building producer endpoints.
A ProcessorDefinition that requires to be configured with an Endpoint such as SendDefinition.
Represents an endpoint Transformer which leverages camel Endpoint to perform transformation.
Represents an endpoint Validator which leverages camel validator component such as Validator Component and Bean Validator Component to perform content validation.
Enriches a message with data from a secondary resource
Camel error handling.
Builder to create Exchange and add headers and set body on the Exchange Message.
Gets a property from the Exchange.
Builder is a specific builder for ExchangePropertyExpression.
Enables definitions to support concurrency using ExecutorService
A helper class for working with expressions.
Represents an expression clause within the DSL which when the expression is complete the clause continues to another part of the DSL
A support class for building expression clauses.
A useful base class for an expression
A base ExpressionNode which does not support any outputs.
Helper for ExpressionNode
Represents an expression sub element
In case of failures the exchange will be tried on the next endpoint.
MicroProfile Fault Tolerance Circuit Breaker EIP configuration
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Marshall and unmarshall FHIR objects to/from JSON.
Builder is a specific builder for FhirJsonDataFormat.
Marshall and unmarshall FHIR objects to/from XML.
Builder is a specific builder for FhirXmlDataFormat.
Filter out messages based using a predicate
Path traversed when a try, catch, finally block exits
Marshal and unmarshal Java lists and maps to/from flat files (such as CSV, delimited, or fixed length formats) using Flatpack library.
Builder is a specific builder for FlatpackDataFormat.
The Flexible Aggregation Strategy is a highly customizable, fluently configurable aggregation strategy.
Act as a message source as input to a route
Rest GET command
Models a string key/value pair for configuring some global options on a Camel context such as max debug log length.
Models a series of string key/value pairs for configuring some global options on a Camel context such as max debug log length.
Unmarshal unstructured data to objects using Logstash based Grok patterns.
Builder is a specific builder for GrokDataFormat.
Evaluates a Groovy script.
Builder is a specific builder for GroovyExpression.
Compress and decompress messages using*Stream.
Builder is a specific builder for GzipDeflaterDataFormat.
Marker interface to mark a ProcessorDefinition that supports expressions.
Rest HEAD command
Gets a header from the Exchange.
Builder is a specific builder for HeaderExpression.
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Marshal and unmarshal HL7 (Health Care) model objects using the HL7 MLLP codec.
Builder is a specific builder for HL7DataFormat.
Get the value of a HL7 message field specified by terse location specification syntax.
Builder is a specific builder for Hl7TerserExpression.
Marshal and unmarshal iCal (*.ics) documents to/from model objects.
Builder is a specific builder for IcalDataFormat.
Filters out duplicate messages
The unique identifier for an EIP.
Set the expected data type of the input message.
Intercepts a message at each step in the route
Intercepts incoming messages
Intercepts messages being sent to an endpoint
Unmarshal an XML payloads to POJOs and back using XMLMapper extension of Jackson.
Builder is a specific builder for JacksonXMLDataFormat.
Evaluates a JavaScript expression.
Builder is a specific builder for JavaScriptExpression.
Unmarshal XML payloads to POJOs and back using JAXB2 XML marshalling standard.
Builder is a specific builder for JaxbDataFormat.
Evaluates a jOOR (Java compiled once at runtime) expression.
Builder is a specific builder for JoorExpression.
Evaluates a JQ expression against a JSON message body.
Builder is a specific builder for JqExpression.
Marshal and unmarshal JSON:API resources using JSONAPI-Converter library.
Builder is a specific builder for JsonApiDataFormat.
Marshal POJOs to JSON and back.
Builder is a specific builder for JsonDataFormat.
Supported JSON libraries.
Evaluates a JSONPath expression against a JSON message body.
Builder is a specific builder for JsonPathExpression.
JTA transaction error handler as a builder.
JTA based transactional error handler (requires camel-jta).
To call Kamelets in special situations
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Functional interface for adding routes to a context using a lambda expression.
LanguageBuilder defines the contract of an expression builder.
LanguageBuilderFactory is a factory class of builder of all supported languages.
Evaluates a custom language.
Builder is a specific builder for LanguageExpression.
Balances message processing among a number of nodes
Balances message processing among a number of nodes
Logs the defined message to the logger
Processes a message multiple times
Compress and decompress streams using LZF deflate algorithm.
Builder is a specific builder for LZFDataFormat.
Marshals data into a specified format for transmission over a transport or component
Calls a Java bean method.
Builder is a specific builder for MethodCallExpression.
Marshal Camel messages with attachments into MIME-Multipart messages and back.
Builder is a specific builder for MimeMultipartDataFormat.
Model interface
Model level interface for the CamelContext
Strategy for model definitions notifications.
Base class for ModelLifecycleStrategy.
Routes the same message to multiple paths either sequentially or in parallel.
Rest security mutual TLS authentication definition
Evaluates a MVEL template.
Builder is a specific builder for MvelExpression.
A useful base class for any expression which may be namespace or XML content aware such as XPathExpression or XQueryExpression
No error handler as a builder.
To not use an error handler.
Base class for definitions which does not support outputs.
A builder to build an expression based on EventNotifier notifications about Exchange being routed.
Rest security OAuth2 definition
Evaluates an OGNL expression (Apache Commons OGNL).
Builder is a specific builder for OgnlExpression.
Route to be executed when normal route processing completes
Route to be executed when an exception is thrown
Route to be executed when Circuit Breaker EIP executes fallback
Rest security OpenID Connect definition
To configure optimistic locking
Allows an element to have an optional ID specified
Route to be executed when all other choices evaluate to false
A useful base class for output types
A base class for nodes which contain an expression and a number of outputs.
Marker interface to mark a ProcessorDefinition that supports outputs
Set the expected data type of the output message.
Scans for Java RouteBuilder classes in java packages
To specify the rest operation parameters.
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Rest PATCH command
Pausable EIP to support resuming processing from last known offset.
Encrypt and decrypt messages using Java Cryptographic Extension (JCE) and PGP.
Builder is a specific builder for PGPDataFormat.
Routes the message to a sequence of processors.
Defines a policy the route will use
Enriches messages with data polled from a secondary resource
Rest POST command
Indicates that the configuration element holds a precondition to determine if it should be included or not.
A helper class for working with predicates
Represents a predicate Validator which leverages expression or predicates to perform content validation.
Calls a Camel processor
Base class for processor types that most XML types extend.
Helper class for ProcessorDefinition and the other model classes.
A key value pair where the value is a literal value
A key value pair where the value is an expression.
Serialize and deserialize Java objects using Google's Protocol buffers.
Builder is a specific builder for ProtobufDataFormat.
Supported protobuf libraries.
A build to create Camel proxies.
Rest PUT command
Evaluates a Python expression.
Builder is a specific builder for PythonExpression.
The destination endpoints are selected by random.
Route messages to a number of dynamically specified recipients
To configure re-delivery for error handling
Ref error handler as a builder.
References to an existing or custom error handler.
Uses an existing expression from the registry.
Builder is a specific builder for RefExpression.
Removes a named header from the message
Removes message headers whose name matches a specified pattern
Removes message exchange properties whose name matches a specified pattern
Removes a named property from the message exchange
Resequences (re-order) messages based on an expression
Resilience4j Circuit Breaker EIP configuration
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To specify the rest operation response headers.
To specify the rest operation response messages.
To configure rest binding
To configure rest
Container to hold Rest.
To refer to an XML file with rest services defined using the rest-dsl
Defines a rest service using the rest-dsl
To configure the rest hostname resolver
Rest parameter types
A key value pair
A series of rest services defined using the rest-dsl
To configure rest security definitions.
To specify the rest security definitions.
Resume EIP to support resuming processing from last known offset.
Forces a rollback by stopping routing the message
The destination endpoints are selected in a round-robin fashion.
A Java DSL which is used to build Route instances in a CamelContext for smart routing.
To refer to a Java RouteBuilder instance to use.
Strategy for RouteBuilder lifecycle notifications.
A Java DSL which is used for building route configuration(s).
Container to hold route configurations.
To refer to an XML file with route configuration defined using the xml-dsl
Reusable configuration for Camel route(s).
A series of route configurations
Container to hold routes.
To refer to an XML file with routes defined using the xml-dsl
A Camel route
Helper for RouteDefinition
Used for filtering routes to only include routes matching a function.
A series of Camel routes
A route template bean (local bean)
Container to hold route templates.
To refer to an XML file with route templates defined using the xml-dsl
Defines a route template (parameterized routes)
A route template parameter
A series of route templates
Routes a message through a series of steps that are pre-determined (the slip)
Transform from ROME SyndFeed Java Objects to XML and vice-versa.
Builder is a specific builder for RssDataFormat.
Allows to declare saga actions to complete or compensate a saga
Enumerates all saga completion modes.
Enables Sagas on the route
Enumerates all saga propagation modes.
Extract a sample of the messages passing through a route
Executes a script from a language which does not change the message body.
Rest security definition
Sends the message to an endpoint
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Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
Sets the contents of the message body
Sets the exchange pattern on the message exchange
Sets the value of a message header
Sets a named property on the message exchange
Evaluates a Camel simple expression.
Builder is a specific builder for SimpleExpression.
Expression for which the source of the input (body, header or property) can be provided.
AbstractBuilder is the base builder for typed expression.
Expression for which a result type can be provided along with the source of the input (body, header or property).
AbstractBuilder is the base builder for typed expression.
Marshal Java objects to SOAP messages and back.
Builder is a specific builder for SoapDataFormat.
Sorts the contents of the message
Evaluates a Spring expression (SpEL).
Builder is a specific builder for SpELExpression.
Splits a single message into many sub-messages.
Spring transaction error handler as a builder.
Spring based transactional error handler (requires camel-spring).
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Routes the message to a sequence of processors which is grouped together as one logical name
Sticky load balancing using an expression to calculate a correlation key to perform the sticky load balancing.
Stops the processing of the current message
Configures stream-processing resequence eip.
Encode and decode SWIFT MT messages.
Builder is a specific builder for SwiftMtDataFormat.
Encode and decode SWIFT MX messages.
Builder is a specific builder for SwiftMxDataFormat.
Marshall SyslogMessages to RFC3164 and RFC5424 messages and back.
Builder is a specific builder for SyslogDataFormat.
Archive files into tarballs or extract files from tarballs.
Builder is a specific builder for TarFileDataFormat.
A bean as input of a route template (local bean)
Fluent builder for adding new routes from route templates.
Container to hold templated routes.
Defines a templated route (a route built from a route template)
An input parameter of a route template.
A series of templated routes
A builder to create thread pools.
Builder to build ThreadPoolProfile.
To configure thread pools
Specifies that all steps after this node are processed asynchronously
Serialize and deserialize messages using Apache Thrift binary data format.
Builder is a specific builder for ThriftDataFormat.
Controls the rate at which messages are passed to the next node in the route
Throws an exception
Parse (potentially invalid) HTML into valid HTML or DOM.
Builder is a specific builder for TidyMarkupDataFormat.
Sends the message to a static endpoint
Sends the message to a dynamic endpoint
Tokenize text payloads using delimiter patterns.
Builder is a specific builder for TokenizerExpression.
Topic which sends to all destinations.
Enables transaction on the route
Transactional error handler (requires either camel-spring or camel-jta using traditional JTA transactions).
Transforms the message body based on an expression
A Java DSL which is used to build a Transformer and register into CamelContext.
Represents a Transformer which declarative transforms message content according to the input type declared by InputTypeDefinition and/or output type declared by OutputTypeDefinition.
To configure transformers.
Marks the beginning of a try, catch, finally block
Expression for which a result type can be provided.
AbstractBuilder is the base builder for typed expression.
Represents the common parts of all uniVocity DataFormat parsers.
Marshal and unmarshal Java objects from and to CSV (Comma Separated Values) using UniVocity Parsers.
Builder is a specific builder for UniVocityCsvDataFormat.
Marshal and unmarshal Java objects from and to fixed length records using UniVocity Parsers.
Builder is a specific builder for UniVocityFixedDataFormat.
To configure headers for UniVocity data formats.
Marshal and unmarshal Java objects from and to TSV (Tab-Separated Values) records using UniVocity Parsers.
Builder is a specific builder for UniVocityTsvDataFormat.
Converts the message data received from the wire into a format that Apache Camel processors can consume
Validates a message based on an expression
A Java DSL which is used to build a Validator and register into CamelContext.
Represents a Validator which declaratively validates message content according to the input type declared by InputTypeDefinition and/or output type declared by OutputTypeDefinition.
To configure validators.
A builder of expressions or predicates based on values.
A single value
A rest operation (such as GET, POST etc.)
Uses a weighted load distribution ratio for each server with respect to others.
Triggers a route when the expression evaluates to true
Predicate to determine if the message should be sent or not to the endpoint, when using interceptSentToEndpoint.
Routes a copy of a message (or creates a new message) to a secondary destination while continue routing the original message.
Encrypt and decrypt XML payloads using Apache Santuario.
Builder is a specific builder for XMLSecurityDataFormat.
Tokenize XML payloads.
Builder is a specific builder for XMLTokenizerExpression.
Evaluates an XPath expression against an XML payload.
Builder is a specific builder for XPathExpression.
Evaluates an XQuery expressions against an XML payload.
Builder is a specific builder for XQueryExpression.
Marshal and unmarshal Java objects to and from YAML.
Builder is a specific builder for YAMLDataFormat.
Supported YAML marshalers.
Compress and decompress streams using and
Builder is a specific builder for ZipDeflaterDataFormat.
Compression and decompress streams using*Stream.
Builder is a specific builder for ZipFileDataFormat.
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