Class FhirDataformat

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
FhirJsonDataFormat, FhirXmlDataFormat

public abstract class FhirDataformat extends DataFormatDefinition implements ContentTypeHeaderAware
  • Constructor Details

    • FhirDataformat

      protected FhirDataformat(String dataFormatName)
    • FhirDataformat

      protected FhirDataformat()
    • FhirDataformat

      protected FhirDataformat(String dataFormatName, org.apache.camel.model.dataformat.FhirDataformat.AbstractBuilder<?,?> builder)
  • Method Details

    • getFhirContext

      public String getFhirContext()
    • setFhirContext

      public void setFhirContext(String fhirContext)
      To use a custom fhir context. Reference to object of type ca.uhn.fhir.context.FhirContext
    • getFhirVersion

      public String getFhirVersion()
    • setFhirVersion

      public void setFhirVersion(String fhirVersion)
      The version of FHIR to use. Possible values are: DSTU2,DSTU2_HL7ORG,DSTU2_1,DSTU3,R4,R5
    • getPrettyPrint

      public String getPrettyPrint()
    • setPrettyPrint

      public void setPrettyPrint(String prettyPrint)
      Sets the "pretty print" flag, meaning that the parser will encode resources with human-readable spacing and newlines between elements instead of condensing output as much as possible.
      prettyPrint - The flag
    • getParserErrorHandler

      public String getParserErrorHandler()
    • setParserErrorHandler

      public void setParserErrorHandler(String parserErrorHandler)
      Registers an error handler which will be invoked when any parse errors are found. Reference to object of type ca.uhn.fhir.parser.IParserErrorHandler
    • getParserOptions

      public String getParserOptions()
    • setParserOptions

      public void setParserOptions(String parserOptions)
      Sets the parser options object which will be used to supply default options to newly created parsers. Reference to object of type ca.uhn.fhir.context.ParserOptions.
    • getPreferTypes

      public String getPreferTypes()
    • setPreferTypes

      public void setPreferTypes(String preferTypes)
      If set (FQN class names), when parsing resources the parser will try to use the given types when possible, in the order that they are provided (from highest to lowest priority). For example, if a custom type which declares to implement the Patient resource is passed in here, and the parser is parsing a Bundle containing a Patient resource, the parser will use the given custom type. Multiple class names can be separated by comma.
      preferTypes - The preferred types, or null
    • getForceResourceId

      public String getForceResourceId()
    • setForceResourceId

      public void setForceResourceId(String forceResourceId)
      When encoding, force this resource ID to be encoded as the resource ID. Reference to object of type org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType
    • getServerBaseUrl

      public String getServerBaseUrl()
    • setServerBaseUrl

      public void setServerBaseUrl(String serverBaseUrl)
      Sets the server's base URL used by this parser. If a value is set, resource references will be turned into relative references if they are provided as absolute URLs but have a base matching the given base.
      serverBaseUrl - The base URL, e.g. ""
    • getOmitResourceId

      public String getOmitResourceId()
    • setOmitResourceId

      public void setOmitResourceId(String omitResourceId)
      If set to true (default is false) the ID of any resources being encoded will not be included in the output. Note that this does not apply to contained resources, only to root resources. In other words, if this is set to true, contained resources will still have local IDs but the outer/containing ID will not have an ID.
      omitResourceId - Should resource IDs be omitted
    • getEncodeElementsAppliesToChildResourcesOnly

      public String getEncodeElementsAppliesToChildResourcesOnly()
    • setEncodeElementsAppliesToChildResourcesOnly

      public void setEncodeElementsAppliesToChildResourcesOnly(String encodeElementsAppliesToChildResourcesOnly)
      If set to true (default is false), the values supplied to setEncodeElements(Set) will not be applied to the root resource (typically a Bundle), but will be applied to any sub-resources contained within it (i.e. search result resources in that bundle)
    • getEncodeElements

      public String getEncodeElements()
    • setEncodeElements

      public void setEncodeElements(Set<String> encodeElements)
      If provided, specifies the elements which should be encoded, to the exclusion of all others. Multiple elements can be separated by comma when using String parameter. Valid values for this field would include:
      • Patient - Encode patient and all its children
      • - Encode only the patient's name
      • - Encode only the patient's family name
      • *.text - Encode the text element on any resource (only the very first position may contain a wildcard)
      • *.(mandatory) - This is a special case which causes any mandatory fields (min > 0) to be encoded
      encodeElements - The elements to encode
      See Also:
    • setEncodeElements

      public void setEncodeElements(String encodeElements)
      If provided, specifies the elements which should be encoded, to the exclusion of all others. Multiple elements can be separated by comma when using String parameter. Valid values for this field would include:
      • Patient - Encode patient and all its children
      • - Encode only the patient's name
      • - Encode only the patient's family name
      • *.text - Encode the text element on any resource (only the very first position may contain a wildcard)
      • *.(mandatory) - This is a special case which causes any mandatory fields (min > 0) to be encoded
      encodeElements - The elements to encode
      See Also:
    • getDontEncodeElements

      public String getDontEncodeElements()
    • setDontEncodeElements

      public void setDontEncodeElements(Set<String> dontEncodeElements)
      If provided, specifies the elements which should NOT be encoded. Multiple elements can be separated by comma when using String parameter. Valid values for this field would include:
      • Patient - Don't encode patient and all its children
      • - Don't encode the patient's name
      • - Don't encode the patient's family name
      • *.text - Don't encode the text element on any resource (only the very first position may contain a wildcard)

      DSTU2 note: Note that values including meta, such as Patient.meta will work for DSTU2 parsers, but values with subelements on meta such as Patient.meta.lastUpdated will only work in DSTU3+ mode.

      dontEncodeElements - The elements to NOT encode
      See Also:
    • setDontEncodeElements

      public void setDontEncodeElements(String dontEncodeElements)
      If provided, specifies the elements which should NOT be encoded. Multiple elements can be separated by comma when using String parameter. Valid values for this field would include:
      • Patient - Don't encode patient and all its children
      • - Don't encode the patient's name
      • - Don't encode the patient's family name
      • *.text - Don't encode the text element on any resource (only the very first position may contain a wildcard)

      DSTU2 note: Note that values including meta, such as Patient.meta will work for DSTU2 parsers, but values with subelements on meta such as Patient.meta.lastUpdated will only work in DSTU3+ mode.

      dontEncodeElements - The elements to NOT encode
      See Also:
    • getStripVersionsFromReferences

      public String getStripVersionsFromReferences()
    • setStripVersionsFromReferences

      public void setStripVersionsFromReferences(String stripVersionsFromReferences)
      If set to true (which is the default), resource references containing a version will have the version removed when the resource is encoded. This is generally good behaviour because in most situations, references from one resource to another should be to the resource by ID, not by ID and version. In some cases though, it may be desirable to preserve the version in resource links. In that case, this value should be set to false.

      This method provides the ability to globally disable reference encoding. If finer-grained control is needed, use setDontStripVersionsFromReferencesAtPaths(List)

      stripVersionsFromReferences - Set this to false to prevent the parser from removing resource versions from references (or null to apply the default setting from the parser options
    • getOverrideResourceIdWithBundleEntryFullUrl

      public String getOverrideResourceIdWithBundleEntryFullUrl()
    • setOverrideResourceIdWithBundleEntryFullUrl

      public void setOverrideResourceIdWithBundleEntryFullUrl(String overrideResourceIdWithBundleEntryFullUrl)
      If set to true (which is the default), the Bundle.entry.fullUrl will override the Bundle.entry.resource's resource id if the fullUrl is defined. This behavior happens when parsing the source data into a Bundle object. Set this to false if this is not the desired behavior (e.g. the client code wishes to perform additional validation checks between the fullUrl and the resource id).
      overrideResourceIdWithBundleEntryFullUrl - Set this to false to prevent the parser from overriding resource ids with the Bundle.entry.fullUrl (or null to apply the default setting from the parser options
    • getSummaryMode

      public String getSummaryMode()
    • setSummaryMode

      public void setSummaryMode(String summaryMode)
      If set to true (default is false) only elements marked by the FHIR specification as being "summary elements" will be included.
    • getSuppressNarratives

      public String getSuppressNarratives()
    • setSuppressNarratives

      public void setSuppressNarratives(String suppressNarratives)
      If set to true (default is false), narratives will not be included in the encoded values.
    • getDontStripVersionsFromReferencesAtPaths

      public String getDontStripVersionsFromReferencesAtPaths()
    • setDontStripVersionsFromReferencesAtPaths

      public void setDontStripVersionsFromReferencesAtPaths(List<String> dontStripVersionsFromReferencesAtPaths)
      If supplied value(s), any resource references at the specified paths will have their resource versions encoded instead of being automatically stripped during the encoding process. This setting has no effect on the parsing process. Multiple elements can be separated by comma when using String parameter.

      This method provides a finer-grained level of control than setStripVersionsFromReferences(String) and any paths specified by this method will be encoded even if setStripVersionsFromReferences(String) has been set to true (which is the default)

      dontStripVersionsFromReferencesAtPaths - A collection of paths for which the resource versions will not be removed automatically when serializing, e.g. "Patient.managingOrganization" or "AuditEvent.object.reference". Note that only resource name and field names with dots separating is allowed here (no repetition indicators, FluentPath expressions, etc.). Set to null to use the value set in the parser options
    • setDontStripVersionsFromReferencesAtPaths

      public void setDontStripVersionsFromReferencesAtPaths(String dontStripVersionsFromReferencesAtPaths)
      If supplied value(s), any resource references at the specified paths will have their resource versions encoded instead of being automatically stripped during the encoding process. This setting has no effect on the parsing process. Multiple elements can be separated by comma when using String parameter.

      This method provides a finer-grained level of control than setStripVersionsFromReferences(String) and any paths specified by this method will be encoded even if setStripVersionsFromReferences(String) has been set to true (which is the default)

      dontStripVersionsFromReferencesAtPaths - A collection of paths for which the resource versions will not be removed automatically when serializing, e.g. "Patient.managingOrganization" or "AuditEvent.object.reference". Note that only resource name and field names with dots separating is allowed here (no repetition indicators, FluentPath expressions, etc.). Set to null to use the value set in the parser options
    • getContentTypeHeader

      public String getContentTypeHeader()
      Description copied from interface: ContentTypeHeaderAware
      Whether the data format should set the Content-Type header with the type from the data format.

      For example application/xml for data formats marshalling to XML, or application/json for data formats marshalling to JSON etc.

      Specified by:
      getContentTypeHeader in interface ContentTypeHeaderAware
    • setContentTypeHeader

      public void setContentTypeHeader(String contentTypeHeader)
      Description copied from interface: ContentTypeHeaderAware
      Whether the data format should set the Content-Type header with the type from the data format.

      For example application/xml for data formats marshalling to XML, or application/json for data formats marshalling to JSON etc.

      Specified by:
      setContentTypeHeader in interface ContentTypeHeaderAware