All Classes and Interfaces

Aggregate all exchanges into a List of values defined by the AbstractListAggregationStrategy.getValue(Exchange) call.
A controller which allows controlling a AggregateProcessor from an external source, such as Java API or JMX.
An implementation of the Aggregator pattern where a batch of messages are processed (up to a maximum amount or until some timeout is reached) and messages for the same correlation key are combined together using some kind of AggregationStrategy (by default the latest message is used) to compress many message exchanges into a smaller number of exchanges.
Various statistics of the aggregator
An AggregationStrategy that adapts to a POJO.
Class information about the POJO method to call when using the AggregationStrategyBeanAdapter.
An AggregationStrategy that adapts to a BiFunction.
Method information about the POJO method to call when using the AggregationStrategyBeanAdapter.
Parameter information to be used for method invocation.
Transformer loader scans packages for Transformer classes annotated with DataType annotation.
Generic binary data type uses Camel message body converter mechanism to convert content to byte array representation.
A processor which catches exceptions.
Implements a Choice structure where one or more predicates are used which if they are true their processors are used, with a default otherwise clause used if none match.
Default AggregationStrategy used by the ClaimCheckProcessor EIP.
ClaimCheck EIP implementation.
The correlation key has been closed and the Exchange cannot be aggregated.
A CamelInternalProcessorAdvice which applies Transformer and Validator according to the data type Contract.
A Transformer implementation which leverages DataFormat to perform transformation.
Processor applies data type conversion based on given format name.
Implements a Dead Letter Channel after attempting to redeliver the message using the RedeliveryPolicy
A default AggregateController that offers Java and JMX API.
The default ClaimCheckRepository implementation that is an in-memory storage.
Default error handler
The default strategy used in Camel to resolve the ExceptionPolicyKey that should handle the thrown exception.
Compares elements of an Exchange sequence by comparing long values returned by this comparator's expression.
Default ProcessorFactory that supports using 3rd party Camel components to implement the EIP Processor.
Transformer loader loads known default Transformer implementations.
A Delayer which delays processing the exchange until the correct amount of time has elapsed using an expression to determine the delivery time.
A useful base class for any processor which provides some kind of throttling or delayed processing.
A disabled EIP that does not do anything
Implements a Dynamic Router pattern where the destination(s) is computed at runtime.
A content enricher that enriches input data by first obtaining additional data from a resource represented by an endpoint producer and second by aggregating input data and additional data.
Support class for ErrorHandler implementations.
A Processor which evaluates an Expression and stores the result as a property on the Exchange with the key Exchange.EVALUATE_EXPRESSION_RESULT.
Ensures a Producer do send EventNotifier notifications when sending.
Statistics about exception failures for load balancers that reacts on exceptions
Exception policy key is a compound key for storing: route id + exception class + when => exception type.
A strategy to determine which ExceptionPolicyKey should handle the thrown exception.
Processor to set ExchangePattern on the Exchange.
A SequenceElementComparator that compares Exchanges based on the result of an expression evaluation.
This FailOverLoadBalancer will failover to use next processor when an exception occurred
An ErrorHandler used as a safe fallback when processing by other error handlers such as the org.apache.camel.model.OnExceptionDefinition.
The processor which implements the Message Filter EIP pattern.
Processor to handle do finally supporting asynchronous routing engine
Aggregate body of input Message into a single combined Exchange holding all the aggregated bodies in a List of type Object as the message body.
Aggregate all exchanges into a single combined Exchange holding all the aggregated exchanges in a List of Exchange as the message body.
Aggregate all Message into a single combined Exchange holding all the aggregated messages in a List of Message as the message body.
An implementation of the Idempotent Consumer pattern.
On completion strategy for IdempotentConsumer.
Endpoint intercept processor so we know the processor is supposed to intercept an endpoint.
Endpoint strategy used by intercept send to endpoint.
Processor used to interceptor and detour the routing when using the DefaultInterceptSendToEndpoint functionality.
A strategy for load balancing across a number of Processor instances
Represents a consumer which on starting registers itself with a LoadBalancer and on closing unregisters itself with a load balancer
A default base class for a LoadBalancer implementation.
A processor which evaluates an Expression and logs it.
The processor which sends messages in a loop.
Saga processor implementing the MANDATORY propagation mode.
A memory based AggregationRepository which stores Exchanges in memory only.
An exception thrown if message is rejected by the resequencer
Implements the Multicast pattern to send a message exchange to a number of endpoints, each endpoint receiving a copy of the message exchange.
Saga processor implementing the NEVER propagation mode.
An exception thrown if no message ID could be found on a message which is to be used with the Idempotent Consumer pattern.
An exception thrown if no camel offset header could be found on the message.
Saga processor implementing the NOT_SUPPORTED propagation mode.
Processor implementing onCompletion.
Class to control how failed optimistic locks are tried.
Creates a Pipeline pattern where the output of the previous step is sent as input to the next step, reusing the same message exchanges
Helper for processing Exchange in a pipeline.
A content enricher that enriches input data by first obtaining additional data from a resource represented by an endpoint producer and second by aggregating input data and additional data.
A task that EIPs and internal routing engine uses to store state when processing an Exchange.
Factory to create PooledExchangeTask.
Exchange pair to be executed by MulticastProcessor.
A Transformer implementation which leverages Processor to perform transformation.
A Validator implementation which leverages Processor to perform validation.
A base class for LoadBalancer implementations which choose a single destination for each exchange (rather like JMS Queues)
Implements the random load balancing policy
Implements a dynamic Recipient List pattern where the list of actual endpoints to send a message exchange to are dependent on some dynamic expression.
Implements a dynamic Recipient List pattern where the list of actual endpoints to send a message exchange to are dependent on some dynamic expression.
Base redeliverable error handler that also supports a final dead letter queue in case all redelivery attempts fail.
The policy used to decide how many times to redeliver and the time between the redeliveries before being sent to a Dead Letter Channel
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
A processor which removes the header from the IN or OUT message
A processor which removes one ore more headers from the IN or OUT message
A processor which removes one ore more properties from the exchange
A processor which removes the property from the exchange
Saga processor implementing the REQUIRED propagation mode.
Saga processor implementing the REQUIRES_NEW propagation mode.
An implementation of the Resequencer which can reorder messages within a batch.
Resequences elements based on a given SequenceElementComparator.
A CamelInternalProcessorAdvice that binds the REST DSL incoming and outgoing messages from sources of json or xml to Java Objects.
Resume EIP
Processor for marking an Exchange to rollback.
Implements the round robin load balancing policy
Pipeline used as starting point for Route.
Implements a Routing Slip pattern where the list of actual endpoints to send a message exchange to are dependent on the value of a message header.
The iterator to be used for retrieving the next routing slip(s) to be used.
Enumerates all saga completion modes.
Processor for handling sagas.
Builder of Saga processors.
Enumerates all saga propagation modes.
A SamplingThrottler is a special kind of throttler.
A processor which executes the script as an expression and does not change the message body.
Processor for forwarding exchanges to a dynamic endpoint destination.
Processor for forwarding exchanges to a static endpoint destination.
A sorted set of elements with additional methods for obtaining immediate successors and immediate predecessors of a given element in the sequence.
A strategy for comparing elements of a sequence.
An interface used by the ResequencerEngine.deliver() and ResequencerEngine.deliverNext() methods to send out re-ordered elements.
A processor which sets the body on the IN or OUT message with an Expression
A processor which sets the header on the IN or OUT message with an Expression
A processor which sets the property on the exchange with an Expression
An AggregationStrategy which are used when the option shareUnitOfWork is enabled on EIPs such as multicast, splitter or recipientList.
A processor that sorts the expression using a comparator
Implements a dynamic Splitter pattern where an expression is evaluated to iterate through each of the parts of a message and then each part is then send to some endpoint.
Implements a sticky load balancer using an Expression to calculate a correlation key to perform the sticky load balancing; rather like jsessionid in the web or JMSXGroupID in JMS.
Stops continue processing the route and marks it as complete.
A resequencer that re-orders a (continuous) stream of Exchanges.
Aggregate result of pick expression into a single combined Exchange holding all the aggregated bodies in a String as the message body.
Generic String data type converts Exchange payload to String representation using the Camel message body converter mechanism.
Saga processor implementing the SUPPORTS propagation mode.
Threads processor that leverage a thread pool for continue processing the Exchanges using the asynchronous routing engine.
A Throttler will set a limit on the maximum number of message exchanges which can be sent to a processor within a specific time period.
The processor which sets an Exception on the Exchange
A timer task that notifies handlers about scheduled timeouts.
Implemented by classes that handle timeout notifications.
A LoadBalancer implementations which sends to all destinations (rather like JMS Topics).
A processor which sets the body on the OUT message with an Expression.
A resume strategy that keeps all the resume strategy information in memory.
Implements try/catch/finally type processing
Data type converter receives a name and a target type in order to use traditional exchange body conversion mechanisms in order to transform the message body to a given type.
Ensures a Producer is executed within an UnitOfWork.
An AggregationStrategy which just uses the latest exchange which is useful for status messages where old status messages have no real value.
An AggregationStrategy which just uses the original exchange which can be needed when you want to preserve the original Exchange.
Processor for wire tapping exchanges to an endpoint destination.
A processor which ensures wrapping processors is having lifecycle handled.