Class AbstractCamelEndpointFactoryBean

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class AbstractCamelEndpointFactoryBean
    extends AbstractCamelFactoryBean<org.apache.camel.Endpoint>
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractCamelEndpointFactoryBean

        public AbstractCamelEndpointFactoryBean()
    • Method Detail

      • getUri

        public String getUri()
      • setUri

        public void setUri​(String uri)
        Sets the URI to use to resolve the endpoint.

        Notice that additional options can be configured using a series of property.

      • getProperties

        public List<org.apache.camel.model.PropertyDefinition> getProperties()
      • setProperties

        public void setProperties​(List<org.apache.camel.model.PropertyDefinition> properties)
        To configure additional endpoint options using a XML style which is similar as configuring Spring or Blueprint beans.