All Classes and Interfaces

AbstractBaseSSLContextParametersFactoryBean<T extends>
A factory for creating a new ConsumerTemplate instance with a minimum of XML
AbstractCamelContextFactoryBean<T extends org.apache.camel.model.ModelCamelContext>
A factory to create and initialize a CamelContext and install routes either explicitly configured or found by searching the classpath for Java classes which extend RouteBuilder.
A factory for creating a new FluentProducerTemplate instance with a minimum of XML
A factory for creating a new ProducerTemplate instance with a minimum of XML
A factory which instantiates RedeliveryPolicy objects
A factory which instantiates ExecutorService objects
A representation of configuration options for creating and loading KeyManager instance(s).
JMX configuration.
Properties placeholder
Function to use with properties placeholder
Properties to use with properties placeholder
Route controller configuration.
Stream caching configuration.
Represents a set of regular expression based filter patterns for including and excluding content of some type.
PatternBasedPackageScanFilter uses an underlying AntPathMatcher to filter scanned files according to include and exclude patterns.
Represents a list of TLS/SSL cipher suite names.