002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008 *
009 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010 *
011 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015 * limitations under the License.
016 */
017package org.apache.camel.impl;
019import java.util.HashMap;
020import java.util.Map;
022import org.apache.camel.CamelContext;
023import org.apache.camel.Component;
024import org.apache.camel.PollingConsumer;
025import org.apache.camel.ResolveEndpointFailedException;
026import org.apache.camel.util.EndpointHelper;
027import org.apache.camel.util.IntrospectionSupport;
030 * A base class for {@link org.apache.camel.Endpoint} which creates a {@link ScheduledPollConsumer}
031 *
032 * @version 
033 */
034public abstract class ScheduledPollEndpoint extends DefaultEndpoint {
036    private static final String SPRING_SCHEDULER = "org.apache.camel.spring.pollingconsumer.SpringScheduledPollConsumerScheduler";
037    private static final String QUARTZ_2_SCHEDULER = "org.apache.camel.pollconsumer.quartz2.QuartzScheduledPollConsumerScheduler";
039    protected ScheduledPollEndpoint(String endpointUri, Component component) {
040        super(endpointUri, component);
041    }
043    @Deprecated
044    protected ScheduledPollEndpoint(String endpointUri, CamelContext context) {
045        super(endpointUri, context);
046    }
048    @Deprecated
049    protected ScheduledPollEndpoint(String endpointUri) {
050        super(endpointUri);
051    }
053    protected ScheduledPollEndpoint() {
054    }
056    public void configureProperties(Map<String, Object> options) {
057        super.configureProperties(options);
058        configureScheduledPollConsumerProperties(options, getConsumerProperties());
059    }
061    protected void configureScheduledPollConsumerProperties(Map<String, Object> options, Map<String, Object> consumerProperties) {
062        // special for scheduled poll consumers as we want to allow end users to configure its options
063        // from the URI parameters without the consumer. prefix
064        Map<String, Object> schedulerProperties = IntrospectionSupport.extractProperties(options, "scheduler.");
065        Object startScheduler = options.remove("startScheduler");
066        Object initialDelay = options.remove("initialDelay");
067        Object delay = options.remove("delay");
068        Object timeUnit = options.remove("timeUnit");
069        Object useFixedDelay = options.remove("useFixedDelay");
070        Object pollStrategy = options.remove("pollStrategy");
071        Object runLoggingLevel = options.remove("runLoggingLevel");
072        Object sendEmptyMessageWhenIdle = options.remove("sendEmptyMessageWhenIdle");
073        Object greedy = options.remove("greedy");
074        Object scheduledExecutorService  = options.remove("scheduledExecutorService");
075        Object scheduler  = options.remove("scheduler");
076        Object backoffMultiplier  = options.remove("backoffMultiplier");
077        Object backoffIdleThreshold  = options.remove("backoffIdleThreshold");
078        Object backoffErrorThreshold  = options.remove("backoffErrorThreshold");
079        boolean setConsumerProperties = false;
081        // the following is split into two if statements to satisfy the checkstyle max complexity constraint
082        if (initialDelay != null || delay != null || timeUnit != null || useFixedDelay != null || pollStrategy != null) {
083            setConsumerProperties = true;
084        }
085        if (runLoggingLevel != null || startScheduler != null || sendEmptyMessageWhenIdle != null || greedy != null || scheduledExecutorService != null) {
086            setConsumerProperties = true;
087        }
088        if (scheduler != null || !schedulerProperties.isEmpty() || backoffMultiplier != null || backoffIdleThreshold != null || backoffErrorThreshold != null) {
089            setConsumerProperties = true;
090        }
092        if (setConsumerProperties) {
094            if (consumerProperties == null) {
095                consumerProperties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
096            }
097            if (initialDelay != null) {
098                consumerProperties.put("initialDelay", initialDelay);
099            }
100            if (startScheduler != null) {
101                consumerProperties.put("startScheduler", startScheduler);
102            }
103            if (delay != null) {
104                consumerProperties.put("delay", delay);
105            }
106            if (timeUnit != null) {
107                consumerProperties.put("timeUnit", timeUnit);
108            }
109            if (useFixedDelay != null) {
110                consumerProperties.put("useFixedDelay", useFixedDelay);
111            }
112            if (pollStrategy != null) {
113                consumerProperties.put("pollStrategy", pollStrategy);
114            }
115            if (runLoggingLevel != null) {
116                consumerProperties.put("runLoggingLevel", runLoggingLevel);
117            }
118            if (sendEmptyMessageWhenIdle != null) {
119                consumerProperties.put("sendEmptyMessageWhenIdle", sendEmptyMessageWhenIdle);
120            }
121            if (greedy != null) {
122                consumerProperties.put("greedy", greedy);
123            }
124            if (scheduledExecutorService != null) {
125                consumerProperties.put("scheduledExecutorService", scheduledExecutorService);
126            }
127            if (scheduler != null) {
128                // special for scheduler if its "spring"
129                if ("spring".equals(scheduler)) {
130                    try {
131                        Class<?> clazz = getCamelContext().getClassResolver().resolveMandatoryClass(SPRING_SCHEDULER);
132                        scheduler = getCamelContext().getInjector().newInstance(clazz);
133                    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
134                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot load " + SPRING_SCHEDULER + " from classpath. Make sure camel-spring.jar is on the classpath.", e);
135                    }
136                } else if ("quartz2".equals(scheduler)) {
137                    try {
138                        Class<?> clazz = getCamelContext().getClassResolver().resolveMandatoryClass(QUARTZ_2_SCHEDULER);
139                        scheduler = getCamelContext().getInjector().newInstance(clazz);
140                    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
141                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot load " + QUARTZ_2_SCHEDULER + " from classpath. Make sure camel-quarz2.jar is on the classpath.", e);
142                    }
143                }
144                consumerProperties.put("scheduler", scheduler);
145            }
146            if (!schedulerProperties.isEmpty()) {
147                consumerProperties.put("schedulerProperties", schedulerProperties);
148            }
149            if (backoffMultiplier != null) {
150                consumerProperties.put("backoffMultiplier", backoffMultiplier);
151            }
152            if (backoffIdleThreshold != null) {
153                consumerProperties.put("backoffIdleThreshold", backoffIdleThreshold);
154            }
155            if (backoffErrorThreshold != null) {
156                consumerProperties.put("backoffErrorThreshold", backoffErrorThreshold);
157            }
158        }
159    }
161    @Override
162    protected void configurePollingConsumer(PollingConsumer consumer) throws Exception {
163        Map<String, Object> copy = new HashMap<String, Object>(getConsumerProperties());
164        Map<String, Object> throwaway = new HashMap<String, Object>();
166        // filter out unwanted options which is intended for the scheduled poll consumer
167        // as these options are not supported on the polling consumer
168        configureScheduledPollConsumerProperties(copy, throwaway);
170        // set reference properties first as they use # syntax that fools the regular properties setter
171        EndpointHelper.setReferenceProperties(getCamelContext(), consumer, copy);
172        EndpointHelper.setProperties(getCamelContext(), consumer, copy);
174        if (!isLenientProperties() && copy.size() > 0) {
175            throw new ResolveEndpointFailedException(this.getEndpointUri(), "There are " + copy.size()
176                    + " parameters that couldn't be set on the endpoint polling consumer."
177                    + " Check the uri if the parameters are spelt correctly and that they are properties of the endpoint."
178                    + " Unknown consumer parameters=[" + copy + "]");
179        }
180    }